
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Decorate to "Groove Your Personality"

Your Own Room

Everything I know about interior design I learned from this book.  
It was given to me by my Mom when I was a preteen.  (in the 60's)

(And if you saw my house, you might say.. "Well, that explains a lot.")

I learned all about color personalities.  I learned to dig jazzy color combos.
I learned about comforting colors and refreshing ones.

I wanted to be a chick that was hip to space!
Cha Cha!
I spent hours moving little furniture rectangles around graph-paper rooms.

I learned that furniture had jivey names  
like Jacobean, Hepplewhite, Windsor and Modern.

I read that adding a few zany pieces would add soul.

I really wanted a room like this shimmering, star studded, "Ballerina bedroom", 
but since I shared a room with my sister, 
the "Two-sister-room-with-privacy" was more practical. 

I loved this book!!

If you have any chickies in your life (10-11-12 year olds) 
a far out guide like this might be the grooviest gift you can give them.

(No, I don't usually talk this way, but the book does.)

I'm joining the Colorado Lady for Vintage Thingie Thursday.


  1. Mother's will never stir you wrong.

  2. Wish I could find a copy of this book I have a 15 year old granddaughter who would love it. What a treasure!

  3. What a cute book! I never had one and that might explain a lot too:@)

  4. What a treasure. I love that you still have it and it made such an impact:))

  5. That is just the neatest...coolest book I've ever seen! I don't remember seeing one! I got married in the 60's so I could have used it! Of course, I didn't have the money to decorate much but I would have loved reading it and learning about colors! I'm going back to see if I can see the pages up close! NEATO!!! Groovy!!! ♥

  6. LOVED this post, Gayle! Really makes me think about the impact of what we are exposed to early in life having on the remainder of our lives.

    Guess what I made today? That WONDERFUL Triple Lemon Tea Cake! Oh. my. goodness! It is one of those things in life that you just want to savor each and every bite because it is SO SO good. I had a cup of raspberry tea with mine...Divine! Thank you for sharing the recipe!

  7. Remember when we used to read books. Now they just use a video game to do this. It takes all the imagination out of it. Love it...smiles...Renee

  8. Too funny!!

    I shared with the sis too. I should have had the book to figure out the privacy issue!

  9. Oh my what a darling book....I can so see why you love it so.

    Hugs for a great weekend. xoxo

  10. A book like this could have changed the direction of my life! :) Seriously! What a great way to introduce the concept to a teen.


  11. Groovy man!! I really dig your jive.

    Blessings, Debbie

  12. Too cool - and groovy chick! I loved this book too - wishing for a room that was the coolest - with hot pink everywhere - but my mom was convinced that somehow hot pink would corrupt me so I had to settle for pale green - but I dreamed in hot pink.

  13. A wonderful vintage treasure..I've never read that book but love what you show of it..especially the cover!

  14. Glorious graphics. I'm lucky that my girls prefer books over video games. Maybe it's the former librarian influences in me...hee hee.

  15. Groovy Carol !!Love the book, love the post , and yes i do have some young g-daughters that I know would love a book like this as they are so into home decorating, even at this very young age, and that makes grandma and mom very happy. I will be looking when I am thrift shopping.Thanks for sharing.
    As always such a joy to visit you.

  16. Thank you for visiting my blog, come by anytime. I read your profile and we have a lot in common!!! I love exploring small towns, gardening, crafting and tea parties.

  17. Wow, our Mom's had the same idea! But, who needed graph paper...I was pushing, pulling, tuggin my stuff around. I'm an only so when I changed my room Mom was the one with raised eyebrows the first time I did it. She couldn't beleive I moved the bed...a canopy bed mind myself.

  18. Way tooo fun!! I think you should talk like this more often. :)

    Too many tornados fo my comfort.

    Stay safe.


  19. Such a cool book! Love it!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  20. Well I think the book sounds groovy! With a whole lot of jiving information, I had to share my room with my older sister who was a teenager and I was 6 this wasn't so groovy, where was this book then???
    Happy Weekend,
    Hugs Rosemary...XX

  21. How cool that you still have it! It looks like it's been well loved and well used. Have a Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

  22. This is too cool! Love this vintage book - I think my daughter would too!

  23. I can see why you love that book. It is adorable, not to mention far out & groovy.
    The teenage girl on the cover with the phone attached to her ear brings back memories of many birthday cards I received back in the day.

  24. It is great that you still have the book.

  25. Too funny...I would've loved this book when I was a pre-teen and young teen! When I was 12, I decided I wanted my room to be painted hot pink and to have green shag carpeting. My mom LET me. Bless her heart. ;-)

  26. That book looks so cool! I am going to check eBay for a copy.

  27. What a fun book! I love this.

  28. I both love and want this book. WOW! The illustrations! Wow!


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies