
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Briar Rose

Delicate and tiny,  the pale pink "Fairy" Roses 
are no larger than a quarter when in full bloom.

Masses of large, vibrant pink, "Nearly Wild" rose blooms cloak the shrub in
pinkness, while hundreds more buds wait their turn to open. 

Pink roses entangle the entire south side of my home throughout May and June.

Maybe it's a good thing my prince already lives here.  
I won't have to wait 100 years for a handsome fellow 
to chop his way through the thorny briars like this gal did. 
(from a favorite book of fairy tales: "Once Upon A Time".)

I hope you're not growing weary of my rose posts.  
I just had to do one more so I could join in the big birthday party 
over at  Pink Saturday,  with Beverly at How Sweet The Sound.


  1. You roses may be small in size but, very large in beauty. Enjoyed visiting your blog.

  2. Who could get tired of looking at such pretty flowers?! Glad you joined in the Pink Saturday fun! Have a nice week! Twyla

  3. Never get tired of Roses, they are so beautiful. I think I better get out there and tend to mine, the winds have been not so good for them. thansk for sharing all your lovely things :) Tink

  4. This is such a sweet post, I love the drawing!

  5. So pink 'n' pretty!
    I have just awarded you a "Versatile Blogger" award..please come over and receive it.

  6. Roses you can never see too many of. I am always sharing the same pots of flowers too but you can't help it they are so pretty.

  7. I love roses too especially those with a beautiful scent. Happy week to you.


  8. I enjoy when others share their flowers and usually end up learning something new too, like the Fairy Roses that are no bigger than a sweet they must be.

  9. Hey Gayle, I'll never tire of looking at beautiful rose pics particularly as my garden is lacking in flowers now that WInter is on the doorstep.

    Your house must look picture with the south side covered in roses, you must post a pic, I would love to see it.

    Thanks for stopping by to say 'hi', always lovely to hear form you.

    Claire :}

  10. Your roses are lovely...the perfect touch for the table when a friend drops by for tea! Nice blog~

  11. No way could I tire of rose posts! Our roses will still need a while before blooming.

  12. oh, please keep posting the roses! I don't have a garden of my own and really enjoy looking at other's.

  13. Beautiful roses. Such a sweet drawing too.

  14. LOL...glad you have your prince already, too, Gayle! Your roses are beautiful...don't think I could ever get tired of seeing them! Keep the posts coming!

  15. Pink roses are a particular weakness of mine, yours are truly magical.

  16. It just makes the grey days bearable! All those beautiful flowers are enjoying this rain though. Our hosta's are ginormous! Beautiful pictures.

  17. I love wild roses! We had yellow ones growing up. I wish I had a start. :)

  18. Love your pretty roses! We replaced some old sickly roses with pink Knockout roses a couple of years ago. They're so hardy and do so well in our hot muggy climate but alas, not good for cutting. I'm thinking of planting some old fashioned roses in the back yard soon, so I'll have some to cut and enjoy inside, but I don't know which ones to choose -- dither, dither, dither ;).

  19. I adore roses and yours are so pretty.

    Your new follower

  20. I never tire of you flower/rose posts. My favorite is the fairy rose - and wild roses, and shrub roses - I just love roses. Great photos.

  21. Those roses are beautiful. Our neighbor, who's 80 something, has wonderful pink roses, too! Thanks for sharing : )

  22. They are just the most beautiful roses - I wish I had some at my mum's cottage because they'd be perfect for a cottage garden and such a lovely colour too. xx

  23. I love your roses! They are simply outstanding! I wish I had your green thumb!
    Happy Memorial Day!

  24. These remind me of the wild roses that used to grow around my Grandmother's farm. Beautiful.

  25. Ahhh...fairy roses! How sweet for Pink Saturday! I hope your day was sweet, too! ♥

  26. I always see roses like your growing wild at the beaches. I've always loved them and wanted to take some home (but never do, of course) They are such a lovely color pink!

  27. Beautiful phots of your roses. Very soothing for my soul today. Thank you for sharing.
    Anne xx

  28. Hello Sweet Daisy Girl~Thank you for leaving so many lovely comments. I love the pictures of those gorgeous flowers! Hope you have a wonderful day.

  29. I wonder if you are plagued with aphids like we are here in Ohio? I gave up on roses for that reason. I refuse to use sprays on anything as our soil and habitat is already in peril. So for me it was easier to turn the roses under and forget it. Now, however, I did get a knockout rose and the aphids have not returned in two years to suck on it. I have a kind of backyard sanctuary and habitat, mostly for birds but for a raccoon and a possum that get in under the board fence. And we have a lot of squirrels and birds of all kinds that are native to our world.

    I enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your photographs.

  30. Forgot...
    I came here from Adventure Before Dementia...

  31. How lucky to be entangled in such glorious blooms.

  32. These roses are sweet and look so much like the ones we can grow here in Alaska. Not yet however we have awhile to go to see a rose in bloom.

  33. a late Happy Pink Saturday to you! :)

  34. That tea scene looks lovely ... and your roses too!

    Have a nice day & hugs, Carolien


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies