
Monday, May 23, 2011

Puttering And Potting

It was a beautiful weekend!
 I took a break from the college-kid-stuff-storage-chaos-mayhem
going on inside my house,
(how do they accumulate so much stuff?)
and puttered around outside, potting up herbs and annuals.


  1. its so wonderful getting our hands dirty!!

  2. Very nice, and good for you for enjoying the weekend:@)

  3. Beautiful collage of all your flowers! And I feel your pain. I've got bins and bins of college stuff sitting in our living room!

  4. Your pots look sensational!!! Thank you so much for stopping by today - I hope you try the Strawberry Bread - it really is so scrumptious! I think you can leave out the cinnamon without any problems - you could try vanilla as well with the almond extract.
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Your collage is not just lovely, it's inspiring. If only I knew someone I could show it to who might get inspired to go fix up my garden!

  6. What a pretty mosaic. Your containers all look so nice, but I'm especially drawn to the large tea cup.
    I have a garage and bonus room full of college kid stuff. It does seem to multiply quickly.

  7. Beautiful! You have some lovely containers. A bit of gardening is soo good for you :)

  8. I love your pots with all of the have a lovely collection!

  9. What a pretty mosaic! You have been very busy.
    The accumulation of kids' stuff? I've been there and done that. When my son married I packed up the last of it and shipped it to him - it was worth it! Our daughter just moved into her own place and took most of her stuff with her - Alleluia!! Graduation is three weeks away, and I have a clean spare room!

  10. OH My favorite type of puttering!:)))))

  11. A nice break from the mundane chores Gayle.

    It's so nice having pots of colour around the garden.

    Hope the chaos and mayhem sorts itself out quickly......

    Claire :}

  12. I am so glad you had a great weekend. Oh boy I just love the flowers you planted.

  13. Ohhh the start of spring - they look so wonderful.

  14. Such a lovely collection of pots for your herbs and plants. Beautiful collage too. We are so behind on gardening this year. I spent Saturday weeding flower beds but we have so much more to do. Have a splendid week ahead.

  15. I have two coming home from college next weekend. We cleaned out the garage so the boxes could be stored there until they are emptied and put away! Gardening is a good way to take a break! Linda

  16. Lovely photos..the pots look great and the flowers beautiful!

  17. That is so true...its always mayhem inside, but how calming and quiet we can get being in the garden.

    blessings, jilly

  18. What a peaceful and beautiful passion, gardening is!
    Enjoy every minute!

    Ciao Bella!


  19. The best kind of fun! We also worked in the garden this weekend planting flowers. Now my back hurts..LOL
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  20. So Pretty! We're finally starting to get really warm now. Our stuff will start fading and dying. :(


    P.S. The really was awesome! My hubby loved it!!

  21. Looks like you made a lot of progress with your potting! I especially love the one in the teacup!

  22. Ooh, I want to play too! Your mosaic is lovely.

    Blessings, Debbie

  23. Hello, I found you on Sweet Birdy Love. I just love your mosaic of gardening inspiration. Makes me long for spring and we're only just finished autumn (fall).
    Anne xx

  24. Doesn't that make you feel god to get a job like that done and be outside immersed in the fresh air and dirt instead of coping with family mayhem.

  25. I like your large tea cup planter! Fun.

  26. You accomplished a lot planting all those pots. They look great, and you will have a bounty of herbs and flowers. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I so appreciate it. Hope to see you again soon. Hugs, Karie

  27. Oh please don't tell me they bring all that home. I am looking forward to the day they take it out of the house.....smiles...Renee Lovely plantings....


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies