
Sunday, March 21, 2010

14 squares complete and some movies.

We received several more inches of snow on the first day of spring.   So I decided it was a good time to stay cozy and warm and watch some movies.  We just started Netflix and enjoy the convenience of movies arriving in the mail.   Just finished viewing The Constant Gardener.  Have you all seen it?  Does this kind of terrible thing really happen?

I also watched The Young Victoria with my best friend.   We see just about every Queen movie that is made.   Very fitting for two gals who grew up singing "God Save The Queen".

I finished up a few more blocks for my 39 squares.  Well, for me it is only going to be "35 squares",   because: #1- I got a really late start.  An  #2- I want it to be a specific size.   This sampler is a fun way to brush up on my stitches and learn a couple of new ones.  I had never made bullion knots before last week.  Here are pics of the 14 I have made so far.



Cup of tea.

Purple coneflowers.

Can you tell what this is supposed to be?  



Blue daisy


I think I may add something more to this one. 

And the last four are the initial squares.

Hope you all had a nice weekend, with real spring weather!!

PS-  Gail over at Faithfulness Farm is having a  lovely little chicken themed giveaway to celebrate her 100th post!  Stop by her place and tell her I sent you.


  1. Your blockas are coming along beautifully...well done!

  2. Your stitchery is great and you are going to have a lovely quilt.

    Wish I could do that.


  3. Love your little stitchery squares - especially the cup of tea!

  4. I love the blocks you have created. I'm guessing as one midwesterner to another that the one block was a house in a tornado!
    You have really inspired me to pick up my embroidery again.
    Have a great week.

  5. Your squares are lovely! Is that a tornado lifting the house into the air?


  6. I want to see that movie! I love Emily Blunt, and I also see just about any queen movie there is too.
    You might have gotten a late start on your squares, but you're really moving right along pretty quickly! Each square is so pretty, and you've even managed to make a tornado look cute!
    Happy Monday!

  7. Beautiful work -- your sampler is going to be amazing!
    I can't wait to see "Young Victoria" -- did you love it?
    P.S. We had snow yesterday too -- craziness!

  8. What pretty themes you're stitching.
    I'm going to have to find out if there is anything like Netflix up here - sounds like a fun thing.

  9. Your squares are darling! I really like the monograms and love the pallette you've chosen.It will be fun to see it all come together!

    Is the house Dorothys on it's way to oz?

    Happy stitching!

  10. I love those blocks, you are quite talented! I haven't seen those 2 movies, but now you have me curious. Sorry about the snow, I know how that feels. Cindy

  11. Weren't the costumes great in Young Victoria? What a love story!

  12. Not sure my comment made it so will say again, you're wonderfully talented and the squares are so cute.
    I've yet to see "Queen" but am looking forward to the movie. Maybe, not so much, the Constant Gardener; looks tough to handle.

  13. Those are all so very pretty, you do beautiful work. We had some snow this morning, after a few days in the 70's we were not too happy about that. Oh well, since we can't do anything about it, we might as well make the best of it.

  14. I haven't seen the Constant Gardener as yet -- do you recommend it?

    Love all your embroidery!

  15. Wow. Those look great. You are Good!! The one square made me think of Wizard of Oz?????? tornado? hmmmm.
    Have fun with it! I think you are! :-)

  16. This is going to be soooo pretty! Love all of your designs, and your stitching is beautiful. (The mystery square is plainly Dorothy's house in the Wizard of Oz - right?). laurie

  17. I love the pink flowers and green leaves against the blue of the initials. xx

  18. Oh I don't want to look at anyone elses comments in case they guess what that square is and it is the same as my it a Tornado, or Hurricane or just really windy? Perhaps I am completely wrong.
    I love all your little squares, the intial ones are lovely as well.
    Kiss Noises Linda

  19. You are going well with the squares. Still snowing in Spring ! I have seen Those movies and enjoyed them both even though I can't remember much about them now.

  20. Wow, that's a lot of beautiful work! Haven't seen any of those movies, are they worth seeing?

  21. the snow is melting here...finally!

    your squares are so sweet! you must work pretty fast.

  22. What a gorgeous sampler - really pretty!

  23. I love your embroidered squares. I haven't embroidered in years, I have been working on counted cross stitch. Your needle work is beautiful and perfect!
    Take care and enjoy your day,
    Hugs, Elizabeth

  24. Oh your squares are just beautiful! i can't wait to see the end product!

    have a wonderful day!

  25. Your blocks are very pretty. I like all the different stitches and colors you used. Hope you're having a good week.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  26. Love your stitchery!!
    I laughed when you mentioned tripping while taking photos, my daughter and took turns watching the ground while taking photos. It is sooo easy to trip!!

  27. Beautiful job on your stitchery. I have run across a couple of other bloggers who are doing this and it's fun to see what you all are coming up with.

  28. Your sampler is coming along beautifully!

    Sorry you got more snow, though!

  29. Your squares are shaping up nicely. I love the purple cornflowers. Wish I had the time to ....oh yeah, if I would get off this computer, I would have the time to do something like that. LOL

    I went over to your friends blog and let her know you sent me.;-)

    Hope your spring weather arrives soon!


  30. What a great way to keep busy! Creative as all get out! And the movies you are watching, especially the Queen Victoria one, I am going to order today. I had no idea I could get it through NetFlex. I've had Netflex for ages and love it.
    I have no clue what the Constant Gardener is about but now I am curious. Will it give me nightmares? :) I had a feeling it wasn't about growing roses... :)

    Those blocks are lovely, most especial the little teacup one and the very last one you posted which looks like an initial.

    I've made just one quilt in my lifetime. I think it could be addictive. Mine was King size to the floor and over the pillows...and I've still not recovered.

  31. Your work is beautiful! What talent you have!

  32. So, so pretty. Your work is beautiful, and what a fun project! I love all the pretty spring flowers.

  33. You do beautiful needlework! You know I love the shamrock!

  34. Love your beautiful squares! I entered the giveaway and mentioned you! Hope one of us wins! ♥

  35. Gayle,
    I think I must have not been completely awake when I first viewed this post. I was thinking I had already commented! lol

    Your squares are absolutely beautiful. So love the purple cone flower...You just do such wonderful work! I was admiring the stitching on my bunny today and thinking of you.

    Somewhere this evening I came across another quilter's blog...but can't remember who it was now. I'll have to find it again and let you know. But seeing it reminded me of something I wanted to ask you because you recently made reference to the same thing.

    What is a penny rug? I've seen the picture of yours, and the picture of one this I understand what it looks like...but how did it get its name? Just curious. ~wink~

    Appreciate you!

  36. Believe it or not...I actually found that blog again! The URL is and the name of the blog is Invited to the King's Table. There is a link in the top right corner about 12-N-12 quilts. Just thought you might enjoy viewing the quilts.

  37. Your lovely handwork is so beautiful...must be so fun to do. Thank you for sharing. xoxo

  38. Thank you, Gayle, for the information about the penny rugs. That's very interesting to me.

  39. Your needlework is wonderful! I love having a project I can work on whenever I have a few minutes. I'm thinking Wizard of Oz and the Yellow Brick Road. Am I even close?

  40. Your needle work is just lovely! I have seen both of the movies you mentioned. I especially loved 'The Young Victoria' I love any type of period film like that.I hope you are having a happy day ♥
    Love, Carol and charli


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies