
Friday, March 19, 2010

39 Squares and Penny Rug

A couple of days ago I decided to join 39 Squares.   This is a group of bloggers who are making a fun  embroidered sampler, one tiny square at a time and posting the pics each day.   They are already on square 18 or 19, but I can catch up.   Right now I have 7 blocks completed and 2 more partly done.  Thanks Amy for this fun and creative challenge!

I also made my little Easter penny rug.  (still need to iron it.)  This is a pattern from  fellow blogger Elizabeth at Creative Breathing.  Thanks for sharing your ideas and patterns with us Elizabeth.  I really had fun making this.

What fun crafts are you working on?


  1. I can't tell you what a wonderful thrill it is for me to see my own work interpreted by someone else. The daisy chain is perfectly perfect for you! I am anxiously awaiting each new block of your sampler. What a wonderful idea! This would be such a fun way for me to teach others how to stitch in my Creative Breathing style. Hmmmm.... this community is full of wonderful ideas! Thank you so much for sharing and visiting! Elizabeth

  2. Your penny rug turned out so cute! I still want to make one of those, but now that it's warmer out, I'm always playing outside instead!

  3. I just love your squares, and you ARE making good time in catching up with the others, I wanted to join in too, but I just don't have the time right now! maybe next time around!

    love your pretty!

    ciao bella

  4. Love them they are gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend xx

  5. are one very special lady! I spent the day with my mom today. I spent a bit more time than normal just so I would feel better about coming home knowing that some odds and ends were done for her. When I came home and saw the box from you I was so excited...but when I opened the box and saw how pretty you had wrapped everything I cried. I love doing for others, but am always humbled when someone does something for me "just because". Thank you so much for being such a kind friend. I've taken pictures and am going to do a post...hope you won't mind.

    A big hug from me to you,

  6. Wow that is amazing work. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  7. There we go! ~wink~ I am SO glad you caught that, Gayle! When Carroll came in a little while ago and I showed him that bunny he said, "That reminds me of something that Mom would have made...look how uniform all of her stitches are." Then I told him you were a quilter and he understood. He suggested that I take pictures one day of the appliqued quilts we have that his mother made us and post them so you could see them.

    I wanted to also tell you that I SO enjoyed the post you did "I" for Italian and did the post on your husband. Loved it! I haven't had a chance yet, but I want to go back and see if you had anyone brave enough to leave comments on the questions you posed at the end. ;) Wouldn't we all be in a fix in this country if all of the US borders had been closed to immigrants hundreds of years ago? :)

    Sure do appreciate you, friend!

  8. I like your embroidery! What a great idea. You left a message on my blog about the crazy quilt. If you want to email me, my address is posted on my blog. I can take more pics of just the stitching so you can see it better. I love to look at the time and effort put in by women who sew and make crafts. So rewarding and inspirational. Have a great weekend!

    Susan and Bentley

  9. What a neat idea and it looks so fun and relaxing...Hoping to see your finished product. Keep up the great work. I'll be watching!!

  10. What a fun idea. I love the tiny squares! Your sampler is looking great. Can't wait to see it finished. How do you find the time to do so much?
    Patricia :o)

  11. Oh they are both beautiful! I am such a clutz at sewing, and admire those who did it. I use to do a little embroidery, but it started bothering my eyes, and I gave it up. Your little squares are so pretty, and your penny rug is adorable. laurie

  12. Amazing what fun things you can find in blogworld. Yours are looking good!

  13. I'm so glad you joined! I love your squares - the script on the letters is so beautiful! It's fun, isn't it?


  14. Great projects. I love the embroidered sampler and look forward to seeing how this turns out.

  15. what a cute idea of embroidery samples! and that bunny......aDORE it!

  16. Very cute embroidery! I'm a big fan of embroidery.

  17. Your stitching is perfectly lovely! I adore the colors.

    Thank you so much for your good wishes. I am on the mend and will be back to my whirlwind self very soon.

    I often bribe my almost 21 yr old daughter with a cute shirt of a bit of spending money to help out. :)

  18. This penny rug came out so wonderful. You are another talented lady with embroidery. Mine leaves a lot to be desired. I would like to try a penny rug sometime myself. Very nice job there.

  19. The Penny Rug is so sweet - I may have to make one to send to my grandsons.
    Right now I'm working on two things - a little pastel, knit jumper dress for a baby girl, and a cross stitch sampler for my son.

  20. Love the penny rug! And the idea of making a 39 square sampler sounds intriguing!

  21. what a darling penny rug!

    the only thing i craft is an
    approach to a song and a

    i craft vicariously through
    the rest of you talented

  22. Lovely embroidery and what a sweet idea. I thank you for visiting my blog and wanted to share information about making the rice and lavender bags, I use the cheapest white rice I can find, Big Lots is a good source. I ordered my lavender from a soap making website, dont remember the exact site but you can google it. YOu can get lavender buds from whole foods or other "healthy" food stores. What am I working on? lavender rice bags!

  23. Oh I have no talent with the needle! Your quilt is lovely, and the penny rug is so cute. I must google that!

  24. oh, you do beautiful work! I love the penny rug!

  25. Hey Gayle, have sent you off an email with all the details you should need, fingers crossed!!

    Love the 39 squares project and the penny rug is very cute. You certainly keep busy.

  26. What a fun challenge! It makes me wish I knew how to embroider. Looks lovely so far!

  27. Hello Gayle,

    Your sampler and your bunny with eggs are beautiful and cute!
    Yesterday a package arrived ... thank you so much for that! I just posted about it at my blog, please have a look.

    Many, many thanks & a big hug,

  28. Oh, I love this idea! I'm gonna do it - I don't think I'll be able to catch up, but it'll be fun to do anyway :D
    Mary and "Bog Dog" ;)

  29. My jaw dropped with all the cuteness going on over here! I love the penny rug and your embroidery is so sweet and adorable.

    You've given me some great inspiration!

  30. I LOVE THIS rug! Why are they called Penny Rugs?


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies