
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hat and Mittens

(Raggedy Anne and Andy,  Bobbs-Merrill Co 1974)

Be sure to put on your hat and mittens before you go outside to play!

(Mr. Garden, clearing some of the snow off the deck to put down food for the birds.)

* * * *

Speaking of cold things...
this looks like a really good book about climbing Mt Everest.
I can't wait to start reading it!

 the Eccentric Lady had this in a giveaway on her blog and I won.
Thank you, Sherri!
(She reviews book proofs and then shares the books with friends.)

Update:  I finished this book and really really liked it!
I recommend it to anyone who enjoys adventure and history like I do.
It's a novel, but based on the life of real people and real happenings.


  1. Are those paper dolls?

    So cute!

    Love looking at the snow! I think I'd like to live in it again but I haven't in so long I might just freeze - ha!

    Have a great week!

  2. I have always loved raggedy anne and andy. So cute. Stay warm. :)

  3. Raggedy Anne and Andy are wise little dolls to dress so well for the weather. Stay warm and dry!! xo

  4. Those are the cutest! Get inside and stay warm! Sweet hugs!

  5. I can't believe all of your snow! We went to Olathe on Sunday and were amazed. My parents are in Olathe visiting my brother and their flight was cancelled twice! They were supposed to leave Tuesday and aren't getting out until tomorrow morning!

  6. Snow, snow, snow! It's been one wild winter...hasn't it!!

  7. I've always had a soft spot for Raggedy Ann and Andy. Your paper dolls are darling.
    You sure did get a lot of snow. I think reading your new book and playing paper dolls sounds like the best way to beat the chill. Congratulations on your win. I'll have to go check out the link.

  8. I love the raggedy Ann and Andy. So cute! I don't think I've ever seen these dressed like that before.

    XO Danielle

  9. I see Ann, Andy and your hubby all know how to dress properly for the cold snowy weather!

  10. Wowsers! It is cold in your neck of the woods. Too bad I couldn't have taken you along to Sri Lanka where it's warm and tropical all year long. :) That book looks very interesting. We didn't climb Everest when we were in Nepal -- it was the rainy season and very dangerous. But I did drink a beer called Everest. HA! Best wishes, Tammy

  11. What a nice man your husband is to go out in the snow to feed the birds!


  12. Just ran across your blog and enjoyed it so much. We have a daughter living close to Kansas City and love going there to visit. We hope to go soon - as soon as the ground is thawed and green again!

  13. We have lots of snow here, too. I sure am tired of it! I haven't heard of the book that you posted about. I'll have to take a look about it on amazon. Stay warm!

  14. Wow everyone is getting snow and ours is melting.....Heidi
    p.s. love your Raggedy Ann and Andy.

  15. So cute!! Have a cozy weekend! xo Heather

  16. Oh you have snow like we do. I too wonder as did Diane...Where is spring. Have a great weekend!

  17. Anne and Andy are so cute! Stay warm! Surely it will quit snowing one of these days.

  18. hats , mittens and everything would go on if I was there. It looks freezing but pretty.

  19. Looks like you too, have snow!

    I love a good book . . . let me know if you like it!

  20. Lovely dolls they are so cute.

    Hope it warms up soon for you

    Enjoy the new book and congrats on winning the giveaway.

    Have a lovely week.


  21. Wow, that's still a lot of snow. Ours is mostly melted, which means another will roll in.
    I love Raggedy Ann and Andy.

  22. Congrats on your book win! Wow, it looks cold with all that snow.

    Such cute paper dolls.

  23. Wow, spring cannot come soon enough, we are actually having a cold snap today in Florida. How sweet to worry about the birds!


  24. Hi Gayle,
    Thankyou so much for your visit and comment. I do love the snow but I think I am ready for Spring and all it's new life. Have a great week! Gina

  25. OHG All those snow! I am so glad is over here

  26. Happy reading! And shovelling!

    Ciao Bella
    Creative Carmelina

  27. That is a lot of snow. We are in the middle of a blizzard right now! I love that Raggedy Ann and Andy image!! Can I use it for my crafts?


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies