
Monday, February 25, 2013

Crocheted Bowl

Today I made a little crocheted bowl.
I found a picture online, but it didn't include a pattern.
I searched online for other crocheted basket instructions, for help with the bottom.
From there I was able to do it on my own.

I knew I wanted it big enough to hold sunglasses and cell phones.
 I made a circle with single crochet,  increasing stitches till it was 5-6 inches across.
When it was wide enough, I just single crocheted around and around 
until I had sides high enough to fold over.  (I used up the entire skein.)
Then I added a scalloped edge.  

I used Lily "Sugar and Cream" cotton yarn in Green Twist and White
and a size G/6/4.25mm hook

I'd like to try to make another one. A really BIG one!
With stripes!

* * * * *
It's snowing again.
We were warned that starting about midnight, we would be hit by a blizzard.
So far it's just little stuff, but by morning we may be snowed under.


  1. Your bowl turned out great! That Green Twist yarn always catches my eye, I like the way it looks worked up:@)

  2. You do such good work. Beautiful job. I'll be anxious to hear how this latest storm turns out. It's been quite the winter hasn't it?

  3. How pretty is that bowl? Great job. Stay warm and cozy-if you get snowed in, you can make your second bowl!

  4. Love your bowl! I keep hoping our local fabric store will offer a class on making a fabric bowl...maybe I should just look online!


  5. How fun! I gave up crochet as I couldn't keep the guage straight so I cross stitch. That is such a cute idea! Well done, you clever person, you!

  6. Very pretty - and clever -- makes a perfect parking spot for the phones.

  7. So sweet, and I love the scallops!! ;) xo Heather

  8. very cute...what are you going to put in your crocheted bowl??

  9. Darling crocheted bowl - at least you have something to keep you busy during the snow storm. Stay warm!

  10. Wow great job! I am very impressed.
    Can't wait to see THEBIG ONE.

    How are you liking all of our snow?

    M :)

  11. Gayle,
    I love seeing your crochet. Makes me want to go grab some yarn and start something new. You are doing a great job. I need to practice more so I can make more interesting things than washcloths!! :)
    Thanks so much for visiting and leaving the nice comment on my dolls. I do love them, they make me smile every time I see them.
    We just got a foot of snow dumped on us yesterday afternoon and overnight. I have to bring mom home from the nursing home today and oh my gosh, what a mess. I am thankful for friends with snowplows!

  12. So cute, and I love how it looks next to your Corn King pieces!

  13. I love your bowl, both pretty and useful! I knitted a fruit bowl last year, but now someone has taken it and is using it as a winter hat! Oh well :-) Pam

  14. That is really clever! I like the happy spring-time colors, too.

  15. Love your bowl! I bookmarked it since I will eventually have to give it a try too. :P

  16. That is beautiful! You certainly are talented. :-)

  17. Love this bowl! I need to show it to my mom, see if she can whip something up like it. Stay warm, I read your next entry. Boy oh boy you guys got a lot of snow!

  18. Very cute! I love the yarn you've used :) Elisabeth x


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies