
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Announcing Winners of the Giveaway

Goodmorning everyone!  I had Mr. Garden draw the winners for the Giveaway and they are:

For Giveaway #1

Mimi   of  In the Middle of Nowhere


For Giveaway #2

Carolien  of   Carolien's Stitches and Patches



  1. Dear Gayle,

    I just mailed you but also want to tell you here that this was the surprise of the day! I feel very spoiled already :)
    Thank you very much!!!

    Dutch hugs, Carolien

  2. Congratulations to the wonderful bloggers who won the drawing today! Both have beautiful blogs.

    And thanks to you, Gayle, for sponsoring such wonderful giveaways!

  3. Congratulations to the winners. Enjoy your fabulous prizes!

    Have a great weekend, everyone.


  4. Congratulations to the winners. hope you are having a lovely weekend xx

  5. Way to go winners...have a wonderful Sunday. Thanks for sharing Gayle
    Blessings for sure

  6. Congratulations to the lucky winners! Have a great Sunday!

  7. Hi...
    I was sooooooo excited to hear from you....You are my first blogger friend outside my family! :) I posted a picture on my Springtime title in honor of my new "Daisy" friend. Great to meet you and I'll keep checking on you! Have a good day!

  8. Have been reading your past posts and am in love with the Irish dancing, especially the hard-shoe ones!! You must be so proud.

    Am looking forward to this this St. Patrick's Day as our dear Gideon turns three!!!!!


  9. Good Sunday Morning to you, my friend,

    I found your note at my blog. I was going to leave a note for you today that I had a surprise for you at bits and pieces just to make sure that you realized that your blog was listed. You have such creative ways of presenting things and you ALWAYS have a positive outlook about situations! You were one of the first bloggers to "reach out" to me and that meant so much. Your friendliness...those kind words of encouragement...they all are reasons why your name appears on that list.

    I want to thank you for this "little package" (as you put it) that is coming my way. I'm excited to see what it is. I'm thinking you are going to keep me guessing, like I did you with the paper dolls! ~wink~

    I hope you have a blessed Sunday today.



THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies