
Thursday, January 7, 2010


I  love Zinnias.  Always have.

Hard not to feel happy when you have a bouquet of these beauties sitting in the middle of the room.

Apparently the nut doesn't fall very far from the tree.  My daughter loves zinnias too.  Here she is picking out a bunch at the farmers market.

Aren't the colors gorgeous?

A few zinnias still holding on half way through autumn.
Just an amazing little flower!


  1. Oooooooo, I love these happy little flowers. They DO make you smile.


  2. Weeee!!! I love Zinnias too. I have lots of them in my garden now. They're easy to care and with many varieties. But i don't have some of those in your photos.
    The pink flower with butterfly on my profile picture is Zinnia.

  3. Oh, you have no idea how much I needed to see these pretty flowers today. All I see is snow, snow and more snow. Lovely photos!

  4. Zinnia flowers are just so beautiful... they are one of my favorites!
    Happy day!

  5. Your favorite things are some of my favorites too. I love the 'hot' colours of zinnias - after our damp, grey winters I crave the electric yellows and fuschias of the summer garden.
    I too have a weakness for blue and white china, and recently for pink and white - addiction really!

  6. I love zinnias too. My dad used to have the most beautiful big zinnias. Have a nice weekend! Twyla

  7. I really enjoyed the blog about the zinnas. When I young I used to pull the petals off of the red ones and pretend they were long fingernails.

    Zinnas were about the only thing that grew in central Kansas without water.

  8. Cooee from Downunder, Hi Gayle have just stumbled over your blog (didn't hurt a bit either!). I am another zinnia lover and have just been watering my seedlings, which are growing nicely . I love their beautiful clear colours .,I remember my mum growing them when I was bout 9 or 10 and she would cut a huge bunch for me, wrap them in newspaper and I would take them to school for my teacher, feeling quite proud of these beautiful flowers. Lovely photos

  9. Hello fellow Zinnia lover!! hee hee

    Just broke down and bought 15 packages of seeds today!! Even though here in wisconsin we still have over a foot of snow!! ...
    I am starting to go stir crazy for my flowers! !!!
    i think I will sneak out tomorrow and cut some forsythia branches to force!! Have you ever done that????
    Glad I dropped by!!

    Keep smiling!!



THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies