
Friday, December 27, 2013

106!!! Decluttering Goal Reached

I reached my 2013 decluttering goal back in November.
But I was so busy getting ready for company to arrive and the holidays
that I never got around to posting about it.

So here goes:
68. Sorted through my yarn bin and donated ones I won't use in future
69. Sorted through three mountains big piles of papers
70. Shredded a huge mound of personal/financial papers
71. Cleaned out under kitchen sink (And discovered we have a slow leak! Eeeek!)
72-76. Tossed old yucky stuff from kids bathroom cabinets and drawers and
organized all the hotel sample shampoos/lotions into a jar for guest use.

77-82.  Organized and tossed a bunch of old grungy stuff in master bath drawers
83-84. Cleared and sorted dresser tops in son's room and master bedroom
85-86. Cleared and sorted two boxes under beds in kids rooms
87. Sorted and donated unwanted white/cream quilting fabrics
89-90. Packed up two boxes of children's books and mailed them to my daughter

91-97. Sorted, sized and donated clothes from seven dresser drawers
98. Recycled another pile of magazines and catalogs
99- 102. Organized and tossed old junk from four shelves in upstairs cleaning closet
103-105.  Tossed outdated food items from three shelves in kitchen pantry 
106. In December I packed up a box of my Christmas ornaments 
and mailed them off to my niece.
Her very first tree was looking kinda bare, and I had way more than I could use.

So that brings me to a grand total of 106 spaces (drawer, shelf, etc...)
cleaned-up/cleared-out/donated/recycled/organized/decluttered for the year!  
What a liberating feeling to send these things I no longer needed to a new home.

How did you do?


  1. Wow, you did terrific.
    You make me feel guilty,
    so I'd better get on it.

    1. You recently went through a move. I bet you did a lot of this before you ever packed the truck!

  2. Just getting started, but thank you for the inspiration! I love's my favorite month for getting things done!

    1. If only I could get it all done in January and not have to worry about it for another year! :-) Maybe when I retire...

  3. Congratulations! THAT is a big accomplishment! I usually do that in January . . . and I am going to be merciless this year!

    1. Martha, I set a yearly goal for myself in January and keep working on it a little bit at a time for 10 months. Perhaps this coming year I will set myself a smaller goal that I can realistically accomplish in just 4 weeks.

  4. Sounds like a fabulous idea. I'm going to have a go this January too. My husband is a hoarder so I think I'm going to have to sneak things out of the house when he's not looking!

    1. Good luck with that! I've been trying to get my husband to clear out his side of the closet and dresser for a few years... no luck yet.

  5. More Christmas ornaments than you could use? This ornament addict asks "is that possible???" Congrats on reaching your goal, I know that must feel great:@)

    1. LOL! Yes, it is possible, and I have reached that point. :-) So glad I have kids in the family who are at the point where they can use some of these things. It's easier to part with things when you know they are going to family.

  6. I'm working on it....but, not as good as you did! Congratulations...doesn't it feel good to sort through and get rid of things we don't use?

    1. Yes, it feels great. But I still have a ways to go before I'll be happy with the accumulation of stuff. :-) It's a process that just takes time. At least for me.

  7. Great effort Gayle, I can imagine how liberating it is to clear out things no longer needed. Think i might have to try that in the coming year, starting with my sewing room!! Groan.....:)

    Claire Xx

    1. It feels great each time I fill a bag and get rid of things. So much more to go. I don't know why it's such a slow process for me, but it is.

  8. You did GOOD!!! I'm still working at it! With the wedding in September, I MUST have the house, ship-shape!!!

    1. Oh, that's right. Just do your best to get the house stuff now... (in January), because you are going to have a lot of other wedding things to take care of as the year progresses.

  9. Wow! Thanks so great. I work on it all the time but I need to get more serious. Winter is a good time for me to work inside, so I should set a goal now. Hugs!

    1. I think this coming year I'm going to set a winter goal for myself, so I'm not working on this all year.

  10. Well I didn't keep track - but I know I decluttered well over 365 things this year - starting now I;m going to keep a list - at - you can make all kinds of lists on your computer with this site - and it even can be used on a smart phone. Great job in your cluttering.

    1. Good for you, JoAnn! I'll have to go look up this site.

  11. WOW!

    I did a lot this past year, but not so much decluttering. The attic is high on my list for 2014.

    1. Just take your attic one box at a time and it will feel like you are making progress. :-)

  12. Wow!! Congratulations.
    I bet you feel great after this. Are you going to do
    more in 2014?
    I just need to follow through--I start then don't totally finish.

    I bet your daughter and niece loved their pkgs!!

    M :)

    1. Yes, I am going to do more, but may just set a Jan goal for myself. Yes, the girls loved their boxes of goodies. I am lucky to have kids in the family at the age where they are moving into their own places, and can use some of these things.

  13. Well done! I always think of you when I throw something away. Only wish I could be as dedicated. I sorted through our wardrobe and threw away old clothes and ones we no longer wear (fit into). I have 3 big bags full waiting for me to take them to a charity

    1. Good for you, Diane! When you take into consideration that there are just the two of you, three bags is a lot. I still have kids living here and all their things, so I have more to sort and more to donate.

  14. Wow, you are inspriing me to get into sorting. I've got plans to go through stuff in the office while Hubby is home on vacation. Good job!

    1. Leslie, I completely sorted through our office a couple of years ago but I need to start completely over again. That room very quickly becomes the "junk room", the place were we quickly toss anything we don't know what to do with when company is coming. So you can imagine how fast it becomes a total mess. Ugh.

  15. I'm in awe. My gift to myself was a new shredder and I've been shredding away and sorting files. My goal is to declutter the living room in January and February.

    1. Good for you! And that is a good, manageable goal. Before I had a shredder, I cut everything into tiny pieces with scissors. My hands would be so sore. It hurts just to remember.

  16. Oh lady that has GOT to feel good. I need to dive in on my shop and get busy. My problem is I am trying to sell much of it. That adds a whole new dimension.

    1. Yes, that adds a whole level of complication. We sold some things at a garage sale this past summer. I was so glad when that was over and everything physically left my property.

  17. I'm so impressed -- not just that you decluttered, but at how you kept track of all you did! I will be working on this is 2014 myself and you are an inspiration!

    1. Laurie, The past couple of years, I've set goals for myself and then kept track to make sure I really did reach it.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies