
Thursday, November 21, 2013

By George, I Think She's Got It!

By George, I think she's got it! 
Ripple crochet, that is.

I've been working with some leftover yarn to try to learn how to zig and zag.
After  messing up and pulling it back out three times
I think I may finally have the hills and valleys figured out.
So, I'll be starting on another baby afghan this weekend.
Now,  to figure out how many sets of 14 chains I'll need....

I like having a cozy project to work on when the weather is cool.
Don't you?


  1. I always envy your special talents. I figure if I can't crochet, I might as well rescue them from estate sales! Looking forward to seeing more pictures of your special cozy project.

    1. Oh but Kim, I honestly don't have any special talent when it comes to crocheting. I'm just stubborn, that's all. I am determined to keep trying until I can get the stitch right.

  2. Yes...I would say you've got it, friend! That is going to be a beautiful baby afghan when you are finished, Gayle. I love the color! :)

    1. That color will be one of many that I use in the ripple blanket. But the piece pictured here is just a practice piece using some leftovers yarns.

  3. Love the ripple crochet and love the pastel green colour too!!

  4. I love a cozy project for blustery cold days and we are having cold - it hasn't gotten above freezing for 3 days and that is quite unusual for the PNW this time of the year, so I'm bundled up indoors with hot tea and hand quilting.

    1. It is early for you guys to have such cold weather.

  5. I love that color and I wish I knew how to crochet. I have two left hands, I think, when it comes to knitting or crocheting. :)

    1. Cheryl, I had two left hands for years when it came to crochet, but I persisted. I just kept trying until I finally managed to do it.

  6. Looks great! Can't wait to see the baby blanket-have fun:@)

    1. It may take me a while to complete the ripple. Counting and keeping track of where I am in the pattern will take longer than mindless rows of granny stitches.

  7. Yay! It's a fun pattern and I think you'll enjoy it as you go. I always like making afghans in the winter:). Have a nice day! Twyla

    1. I am ready for a new pattern! And I'm hoping that counting and keeping track of where I am doesn't get too confusing. (remember what I told you about counted cross stitch? LOL!)

  8. I've always love the ripple crochet blankets! Never made one myself though... :-( Can't wait to see your baby blanket!

    1. I do hope it comes out Ok. This will be a very special blanket.

  9. Good for you! I don't know hOw to crochet.

    1. Lisa, I didn't either until about a year and a half ago.

  10. Good for you! Ripple crochet is my favorite I think; however, I'm constantly counting so I don't mess up. I'd like to learn to knit too.

    1. I think that will be me, counting and recounting, trying very hard not to mess up the pattern.

  11. I do like to work on to work on cozy projects at this time of the year. Great time to bind those quilts!
    I wish I could crochet.

    1. Linda, I figure if I pile something warm on my lap, I can turn down the thermostat and keep my heating bill in check.

  12. This looks great. Learning to crochet is still on my to-do list, but I'm not getting there. I'm putting decluttering and writing at the top of my "do" list and they're pretty happily taking up my time.

    1. CArol, I still decluttering too. I've almost reached my goal for the year and need to post about that again.

  13. I love doing ripples, but it's been so long i think I've forgotten how. I made both my boys ripple baby blankets. I love having a project too. Your ripple will be so pretty. Good luck on it.

    1. Leslie, I watched some you-tube videos online to figure out how to do it. I'm going to have two baby blankets going at the same time ( a granny square and the ripple_ so I can switch back and forth from time to time.

  14. I've found the first few rows of the ripple are most tedius, after a while you get the hang of it and it flies off your hook. Looking forward to seeing your finished product.

    1. Yes, it's taking me a while to do the "math" on how long my chain should be, and how wide my rows of each color should be... Making some small samples to get an idea of how many hills and valleys it sill take to get the size I need. Sigh, I wish it was simpler.

  15. My goodness Gayle, you are going from strength to strength with your crochet, you go for it.....
    I've tried ripple crochet and pulled it out a couple of times but haven't got the hang of it yet. Obviously, I need to give it another whirl, but I think someone would have to prise me away from the sewing machine at the moment!!
    Always, nice to have a cosy something to stitch through Winter......have fun.

    Claire x

    1. Claire, I've seen 2-3 different variations on the ripple so far. The one I'm doing seemed to make the most sense to me, and avoided some of the "holes" that other afghans had. I'll have to go back and try to find that video again and send it to you. I love all the sewing projects that you are working on, too, though.

  16. When we ladies decide we are going to do something, we DO it! Even if it takes 100 tries.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies