
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sunflowers Flutterin' In The Wind

Sunflowers, flutterin' in the wind.

Our beautiful state flower.

I may need to find a bumper sticker for my car that says,
"I brake for sunflowers." 


  1. The yellow flowers against the blue, just beautiful! :)

  2. SO pretty, Gayle. The blues in the sky and your borders match almost perfectly. You have such good taste! :)

  3. Beautiful pictures! If you find such a bumper sticker, please get one for me, too!!

  4. One of my favorite things about Kansas when we lived there. Lovely photos - they should be jigsaw puzzles. (Guess what I've been doing lately. )

  5. I can't think of a flower that better represents the farm life!
    They remind me of sunshine.

  6. Those are beautiful every time I go into Trader Joe's I am tempted to buy a bunch of Sunflowers, good choice!

    1. I agree, sunflowers are beautiful. An armload of these would put a smile on anyone's face.

  7. Beautiful that blue and yellow together. Mine are gone already but they were great too.

  8. Very pretty! After two nights of hard frosts there aren't many flowers (of any kind) left around here-enjoy:@)

    1. We had a wee tiny frost, and it shows in the shriveled outer edge of the petals. But the flowers survived for a few more days anyway. Soon they will be gone.

  9. OH, I must get busy and plant some seeds.....beautiful pics Gayle.
    I noticed lots growing when I was in Canada recently and monster size Sunflowers are grown at Butchart Gardens.....

    Claire x

    1. We have those monster size ones here, too, but those usually come into full seed and full bloom in August. They were harvested a couple of months ago. The sunflowers in these pictures are the smaller, wild variety.

  10. I just adore sunflowers too, the happiest flowers around, don't you think! Lovely photos!

    1. Yes, I do think sunflowers are one of the happiest flowers. (daisies and zinnias, too... all part of the same flower family.)

  11. Great pictures with the yellow against the bright blue sky and matching border.

  12. I'd definitely brake for sunflowers. I'd love to do a photoshoot of the girls in a field of sunflowers.

    1. Come to Kansas! The first week of August is when the big head, seed producing varieties are usually in bloom. (Be prepared to meet a LOT of bees out in the field.) These smaller, wild sunflowers bloom all through the fall, until first frost.

  13. thanks for showing some beauty today..we had frost now so my flowers look so bad.

    1. We had a wee bit of frost, but not enough to kill them, just enough to shrivel some of the petals. So glad we get to enjoy them for a few more days.

  14. They are beautiful. Too hot to grow here in Texas, although everyonce in a while I see someone trying!

    1. But you have bluebonnets and lots of other pretty wildflowers that don't grow as well here. So it all evens out. :-)

  15. I love how your sunflowers are framed by the blue sky. So pretty. Ours are all seeds by now.

    1. Thanks, Rebecca! All those seeds will make new flowers grow next year. :-)

  16. Those flowers are beautiful, Gayle - but that sky! That sky is what I imagine perfection to look like! <3

  17. I LOVE sunflowers and you are so lucky to have them as your state flower. In Spain we drove past fields and fields of sunflowers as they grow them for sunflower oil. It made me so happy to see them.

    1. They have fields of the big headed, seed producing sunflowers here, too. Really gorgeous when they all come in bloom. Of course they are harvested right after they come into full bloom, so we don't get to enjoy them that way for long.

  18. I love sunflowers. They have a beauty all their own. Such nice pics.

  19. I love these photos! Especially with the beautiful border!

  20. Gorgeous!, our elderly neighbours down the road used to grow these, how we miss them and their gardening.

  21. Love your pictures of the sunflowers!!! I'd brake too!

  22. Hello Gayle, these are really gorgeous pictures, thank you for sharing them.
    I noticed your 'say no to word verification' graphic but each time I remove word verfication from my blog I get loads and loads of spam. I've had to put it back on for the time being but I hope it won't stop you from visiting. Barbara.

    1. Barb, I'm sorry to hear you are having so much trouble with spam. Don't you wish you could inflict a plaque on the people who do that to you?
      It isn't enough to just remove word verification, though. That step just helps your readers leave comments easily. In order to help yourself, you also need to also change your blog settings to accept comments from "registered users" only AND add "comment moderation" to any post that is over a day old. (You may even choose to moderate every comment.) Makes all three changes to your settings and you will have very little, if any, spam. In the 4-5 years since I started blogging, I've had maybe 4 (?) spam comments try to come through and all but one were caught before they were ever published in the comments.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies