
Monday, July 1, 2013

Granny Stripe In Progress

 I'm working on my third crocheted baby afghan for this year.
(And a fourth niece is expecting a baby later this fall, so that means one more to go.)
A colorful granny stripe this time.
I'm 30-something rows in and have about 70 (?)  more to go.

It took several very frustrating starts, stops, counts, recouts, and redo's 
to figure out how to make this granny stripe.
 I admit that crochet is not easy for me.  
But I finally got it to work, by following what common sense told me I had to do 
instead of obeying the count in the written instructions.
(Have you ever run into that with  crochet patterns?) 

What projects are you working on right now?

PS-  Happy Canada Day to my friends up north!

* * *
Update-  See finished blanket here.


  1. What a nice gift. I know your work of Heart will be appreciated.

  2. I like the colors going to be nice.. Happy July with love Janice

  3. That's a neat stitch. I've made granny squares but never stripes. Might have to try it. Baby afghans are such a nice gift.

    1. This is my first time on a granny stripe and I like it a lot.

  4. So pretty and love all the colors!! I have my ripple blanket I need to work on, but it is a little too hot, so to other cooler projects!! Wishing you a sweet Monday! xo Heather

    1. I haven't learned how to ripple yet. That might have to be next on my list.

  5. Thank you for stopping over, I sure hope it gets better, 3 years of tired, so stressed out...what an energy drain.

  6. Very nice and colorful! Love it! starts, stops, counts, redos! Glad to know someone else has to do this. lol

    1. More starts and stops and redo's than I can count. It's actually amazing how fast crochet can pull out.

  7. I love the granny stripes! Baby blankets are such cute shower gifts:@)

  8. Very pretty and I love your choice of colors. Happy crocheting.

    xo Danielle

  9. I really like this! I am a newbee and like the different takes on the granny square pattern I will have to give this a try. I just finished 2 pieces for a secret yard bombing in a town next to mine! That was fun gave me a chance to try different stitches and changing colors.

  10. This granny stripe is going to be gorgeous. Well done for persisting with pesky patterns that don't make sense. Glad you worked it out.
    Anne xx

  11. Projects lately have involved cleaning and
    staightening our extra rooms.

    I have about given up on trying to crochet.

    : o)

    1. Those are good projects. Don't give up on the crochet!

  12. My project for this summer is learning to crochet. At the rate I'm going the baby afghan I hoped to make will be ready when the baby is in pre-school. Your afghan looks lovely.

    1. It took me forever to teach myself the little I know about crochet. I found a few you tube videos online that helped. )

  13. I love your project and I love the colors. No project at the moment. My project is mowing the lawn and weeding the garden!


    1. Taking care of a garden is a big project! Glad you are there to enjoy it all a bit more this summer.

  14. Gorgeous color selections. I wish I had learned how to crochet before my grandmother died.

  15. Love the colours. Is there anything you can't do? I've finished Baby Banjo Photobook now I have to do one on the older boy's third year and another for our last trip. Just as well it is raining. Gives me time to do that. I'm also preparing lessons for our next camera club meeting. I bet you are sorry that you asked what are we doing.

    1. So many things I wish I could do, but haven't had time to learn, yet. It is good to have a few rainy day projects, isn't it? I bet your baby books are very sweet. I love the photos you post of the grandboys.

  16. Love your colors! I still haven't every learned how to crochet! My friend started to teach me, but we never finished...sigh.

  17. Those are lovely colors. My colorful thing today was buying and planting deep pink snapdragons.

    1. Ooh, I love snapdragons! Do you pinch the sides of their "cheeks" to make their "mouth" open and close?

  18. Thank you for the Canada Day wishes!
    Like you, I've been working on baby afghans this year - my third is within an inch of being finished!

    1. Your family is growing by leaps and bounds! And with the twins, you had two blankets to complete at the same time!

  19. Love the colors. I am working onso many projects..... I hope to finish my floral bouquet applique quilt soon because I am already dreaming of a new project.

    1. Baukje, you amaze me with all the beautiful projects you complete every year!

  20. So many babies - what fun. Love the stripe of the afghan. I am crocheting a zig zag afghan which also has popcorns in it - really pretty pattern. It is in off white and will be my summer afghan to go with the ocean/beach/seaside theme of the living room in the summer.

    1. Sounds really pretty, JoAnn. Be sure to post pics when it's finished. Yes, our family is having a baby explosion. Before the year is over, we will be at number 4, so that means MORE crochet projects for me. :-)

  21. quanti lavori bellissimi!! Un saluto dall'Italia!
    Elly ( nuova follower)

  22. I love it! And...I'm slightly daunted that this is your THIRD. I'm working on a sweater for my daughter's intended. It would be easy if I were crocheting, but I'm knitting, which is very laborious for me. <3

    1. Any sweater would be difficult for me. More like impossible. These little blankets are so simple compared to what you are making.

  23. I love the sweet colors of your afghan. What a sweet baby gift. Oh gosh I can not read the directions all they do is confuse me.

    1. It's hard enough for a beginner like me to follow any type of directions, but then add to it that UK and America call their stitches by different names... It's just crazy trying to make sense out of crochet patterns.

  24. Love the colors you're using! Keep crocheting! It looks so lovely. I'm still's become an obsession. Just finished another doily, and I'm working on an afghan too...not sure how it will turn out yet. Yes it's frustrating when you have to rip out a row/round...I have to do it all the time!

  25. Oh, I should love to try a granny stripe! But right now I'm crocheting some flower pins for birthdays. :)

    1. I need to try some flowers. I wonder if I will be able to make sense out of the diagrams in the book I have?

  26. I've run into that many times in crochet patterns. You should see my long thin Jack O'Lantern. No matter how many times I worked it, It turned out the same way every time. I gave up and just let it be long and thin.

    1. It sure would help to have someone test the patterns before they are published. :-)


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies