
Monday, June 17, 2013

Empty Spaces

Things were so busy this spring I got really far behind
  on the decluttering goal I set for myself:  Sort through 100 spaces by Thanksgiving.

But we scheduled a garage sale for June, so I had to kick things into high gear.
So much for clearing things out a little bit at a time.

In the past three/four weeks I sorted through:
10 shelves in the kitchen (still more to go in there)
15 drawers in my craft room/office  (still more to go in there)
7 shelves in the china cabinet and buffet in the dining room
7 storage bins and shelves in the basement
4 storage boxes from son's college house
20 shelves, drawers and storage  boxes in my daughter's room 
(still more to go in there, too, but she promised to do some of it herself 
when she comes home in a couple of weeks.)

That's 63 spaces!
Add the 4 from before and I've reached 67!

I like seeing some empty spaces!

We sent sports equipment, small appliances, books,
bedding and curtains, glassware and dishes, holiday decor,
crafting and quilting supplies, and tons more 
off to new homes, where they will be appreciated and used.

Things that didn't sell are already packed in my van, ready to donate.
(No, they may not come back into our house.)

Just as our sale was ending, the skies opened up and it rained.
We felt it was a rather symbolic way to end our day of letting things go.

So, how is the decluttering coming along at your house?

* * * * *
PS- I'm going to give threaded comments a try.
I think it might help the flow of conversation to keep replies with the comments.
Have any of you already started using it?
(Be sure to check back here for answers to any questions in your comments.)


  1. Well done you! I've been steadily decluttering the 18 years of "stuff" we moved with us into this home 8 years ago! Astonishing how easy it is to leave it all in boxes or squeezed into closets and not deal with it. I had to set goals like you've done to get on with it!

    1. Jackie, we've lived in this house for 14(?) years and there are still two boxes in the basement that never got unpacked. That is really bad, I know. Proof that we don't need the stuff inside, whatever it is. (Husbands things, which is why I haven't gone through it.)

  2. Well you did a great job...congratulations. I did a small amount in my storage but I'm going back again... and I said the same thing one sidewalk sale and off to the Goodwill .. well I wish you more progress with love Janice

    1. Good for you, Janice! Just keep at it. I still have a long way to go here, as well.

  3. You wont have anything left at this rate. I threw away a pair of old shoes.

    1. Oh Diane, It's really quite sad... but I have so much stuff in this house, it will take more than one little garage sale to get me to the point where I feel like I don't have anything left. Years of accumulation.

  4. Congrats on your progress! Seems every time I happen upon an episode of Hoarders I take another box to the Salvation Army:@)

    1. Lynn, I have seen that show and it is scary. I don't fall into the "Hoarder" category, as I'm actually quite neat and organized and don't seem to have a problem getting rid of things. But still, I know I have way too much junk, and have been slowly getting rid of more and more of it.

  5. You have done a fantastic job l must say, well done! I did very well until about easter and then things stopped up a bit. My goal is to get rid of 365 things this year. Have done about 170 sofar. Feels so good to let hings go and live with more order. Pam xx

    1. Good for you! You are half way to your goal. It really does feel good to let go of the things that don't matter.

  6. Good for you! 3 bags of summer clothes are in my car. A stop at Goodwill is on the list this week.

    1. Kim, once it's packed in the car, you know it can't possibly trickle back in.

  7. We did the closets a while back, so they are taken care of. I have endless collections fo dishes, and while none were leaving the house, their storage was reorganized and I ended up with three empty shelves - whatever shall I put there?

    We are having a big yard sale next Saturday and the amount we have for sale is amazing - who would have thought that we'd have that much? Not I. What doesn't sell goes to GoodWill. At the last hour or so of a yard sale Don will say - fill a bag (or a box) for 1.00 and it is stunning how many things disappear into those bags or boxes - good bye "stuff"

    1. JoAnn, organizing what is left is a really important part of the decluttering process. Being aware of what you have means you will know how to find it and use it in the future. I bet people only use about a third of what they keep shoved into closets. Getting it ALL out and taking an honest look, and making choices to let things go really is cathartic.

  8. You must of had your sale last Saturday.
    We had ours then too. LOVED the rain right.
    We have things ready to go for donation too.

    More spaces to declutter.

    M :)

    1. Doesn't it feel great to move it all out, Melinda?

  9. Wow I'm impressed,I better get started,Heidi

  10. I went garage sale-ing last weekend. And I need to declutter, so what was I thinking? Haha. I did find 2 kitchen table chairs that go well with the ones I already have that are a heavy oak. I love to look to see if I can find a bargain. The chairs were 15 bucks each and new ones cost about 100 or more each. Now, where to put them? Yep, I need to get back to decluttering.

    1. Cheryl, I'm making room for the new things I will find, because I still go on treasure hunts. Your new chairs sound fabulous!

  11. I admire your diligence in decluttering. I need to work on that - we're having a garage sale in August! Sally

    1. Sally, you must live someplace cooler. We would cook if we tried to have a garage sale in August.

  12. Wish I couldve comecto your sale. You got so much done!

    1. I wish you could have come to my sale, too! I do feel like I got a lot accomplished, but there is so much more to do. Many years of accumulation.

  13. Oh I just move ever couple or 3 years! :) If I truly get to stay here, I'll eventually have some de junking to do!

    I'm not sure what you mean by threaded comments...

    1. This type of comments allows all of us to interact with each other a bit more. You can leave a comment on my original post or you can reply to another comment already left by another reader. I can reply to all comments here, which keeps the conversation in one place, and that is nice. You should be able to see the word "reply" under each comment left by others. If you don't see it, please let me know... maybe something isn't working right, yet.

  14. WOW! You have been busy. Wish we lived closer I would of loved to come to your garage sale.

    1. How fun would have have been... to have my bloggy friends come to my garage sale! :-)

  15. I love empty spaces-- don't have enough here! Good for you about donating the leftovers too; that's my policy.

    1. Diane, I had a whole van load of leftovers that went to goodwill. One way or another, things are leaving my house and will hopefully be a blessing to someone else.

  16. I have been working hard to sort and organize my house this Spring, too. Instead of doing a big clean out, I do a little every day. This morning when I was getting dressed for the day, I tried on 2 shirts that I never wear and decided I don't like them. So into a bag they went. I keep a donation bag by the back door and add to it. It's helped me cut back on buying thrift items, too! lol Hugs!

    1. That's a great way to stay on top of the clutter! And that was my original plan, but then life happened. And hopefully I will be able to get back to that through the summer and fall til my goal is met for the year.

  17. I'm tempted to do another garage sale, but I did one a couple of years ago that didn't do to well. Oh, well, I like donating too! :)

    1. Have you ever tried to team up with a friend who lives in a more "sale friendly" part of town? My sister-in-law would invite us to bring things over to her house when her homes association held their annual neighborhood-wide sale. Multi-family sales like that tend to bring in a lot of shoppers/buyers.

  18. Bravo, Gayle. I agree, empty spaces are so nice to see. I just wish mine could stay empty.
    De-cluttering is a constant happening around here. I have a few bags ready to head for donation.
    I like the idea of threaded comments. I think I'll see if I can figure out how to add that to my blog too.

    1. Kim, I try to make it something I do on a regular basis. But this spring I got behind schedule. You'll have to let me know what you think of threaded comments after you use them for a while.

  19. Hi Gayle - I'm sorry I've been such an erratic visitor of late with all my pc problems (& its not something that can be fixed I've discovered!) I'm very impressed with your de-cluttering. I wish I could be so organised and so strong about throwing things out. And look how nice your empty space looks! I also wanted to let you know that of course you can put Clarissa on your pinterest board - I'd be honoured and I'm so glad that you like her enough to want to do that.

    1. Sharon, believe me, I still have too many things in this house. But it's a step in the right direction. :-) (My paperdolls aren't going anywhere.)

  20. de-cluttering here is slow but much more to do!

  21. I declutter whenever I can. It's amazing how much I can acquire in just one year. Sounds like you really did a lot!

    1. You and me, both, Donna. And that is why I continue to plug away at getting rid of things I don't need or want.

  22. WOW...I am impressed. LOTS of work, that's for sure.
    I am going to have to tackle all my crafting things this week as I put things into my new crafting cottage. Whatever doesn't have a place has to go!

  23. I agree with that. If there isn't a space for it, out it goes.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies