
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cheerful Cotton Tablecloths

Vintage cotton tablecloths.
Cheerful prints that make my table smile, even on gray, rainy days, like today.

The yellow bordered and red checked cloths (photo middle right) belonged to my Grandmother.
The others were found at various vintage shops over the years.
 I tend to bring home the blue and green ones.  

I bet you have a few of these printed cloths around your house, too.
Post a photo, and I'll add a link to your blog here.


Lil Red Hen posted a photo of her tablecloths a while back.


  1. I love your table cloths . . . they make me smile, too :)
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  2. Very pretty! I like the one with the sleigh.

  3. I have a weakness for table cloths when I go to estate sales. You have a lovely collection.

  4. Beautiful! These are all so pretty. Love the two at the bottom right of your picture.

  5. LOVE LINENS!!! Found a couple today at an estate sale! They make me happy!

  6. A gorgeous collection you have!!! I love them, too!! xo Heather

  7. I have an easter vintage tablecloth and a christmas one which I love too. Your tablecloths are really special.

  8. We Love vintage tablecloths! We have some pretty ones and I do need to take pictures of them. It's stormy here today so maybe I will soon and I'll let you know if I do! Have a nice day! Twyla

  9. I do have some vintage tablecloths - but first - pull them out of their box - then iron them - then take photos. It is wonderful that you have some from your grandmother. They are all lovely.

  10. I love your collection. It would be hard to choose a favorite. I often see aprons, etc. made from old tablecloths.

  11. I love vintage tablecloths and buy them when I can find a nice one at a good price. They usually have a lot of red in them. I wish they were bigger, most of them really aren't big enough to cover my table. You have a great collection!

  12. Oh! I love them! I have several and use them a lot. Why keep them stored away? They spruce up a table.

    I wrote a post about my tablecloths on 11-23-2010. Sorry, but I don't know how to do "links". :(

  13. So cute! I have a few I picked up at yard sales. My favorites are ones with fruit!

  14. They are all beautiful! I love vintage tableclothes-enjoy:@)

  15. I love old table cloths, brings back many happy memories of growing up.
    Anne xx

  16. Lovely tablecloths! I don't have any like that -- maybe I need to start collecting :) I am on an embroidered tea towel kick lately. Easier to make than a tablecloth. Congratulations on your new graduate, too. You must be very proud!

  17. I love the Christmas ones the most!

  18. Gayle, I am in awe of the fact that you have two of your grandmother's tablecloths. That is SO awesome! I don't have any of my grandma's, but I do have LOTS of crocheted doilies of hers that she did. I have three tablecloths that I bought in Mexico in the late 90's, but that's not long enough ago to consider them vintage. Thanks for stopping by today...and, yes, I'll not be putting anything in the oven for "storage" again! ;-)

  19. I have so many, like you I can't
    pass them up.


  20. You have such a lovely collection, i have vintage envy now.
    Love the checks, they are my faves!

  21. I'll have to look around the condo linen closet and see if I have any here. I love vintage tablecloths and they look so pretty in a stack! You have some pretty ones! Are you sure we're not sisters?

  22. What a great collection! I have a few....most are square. I'll try to photograph mine and write a post. Thanks for sharing...

  23. I wish I still had alll my old cloths . . . My collecting days were back in the 60-70's . . . I can remember buying furniture for a couple dollars. Auction items back then were purchased for a song. Times have changed . . . I think I have one Christmas cloth . . . if so, I will get a photo and send it to you!

  24. I love all your beautiful tablecloths. Thanks so much for sharing your collection. They are all so lovely.

    xo Danielle

  25. I love the Christmasy ones they make me think of Christmas at home when I was a little girl.

  26. I have one or two tablecloths I must admit - printed, patterned, plain and embroidered....I love them all.... oh dear!
    Worse habits...
    Best wishes


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies