
Friday, February 15, 2013

Things That Make Me Smile

What puts a smile on your face?

Whatever it is, I hope your weekend is filled with
big smiles, belly laughs and lots of love.

(photo taken in a field near my house this past fall.)
* * *
Linking to Green Day


  1. Have a lovely happy smiley weekend too!


  2. My husband makes me laugh, he is such a fun person to be around.
    Best Wishes

  3. Thank you :) Have a happy...happy weekend yourself!

  4. The photo is gorgeous. Daisies would be at the top of my list, too. Deb

  5. I can agree with all of those things I think....except WHAT are slip-jigs????

    belly laughs, one of my favorite things is a good ol' belly laugh.

  6. I've been asked what a Slip jig is. It's Irish music/dance in 9/8 time. It's danced in ghillies (soft shoes), very graceful, high up on tippy- toes, with lots of big leaps in the air. Always reminds me of a butterfly flitting from flower to flower. There is, in fact, a slip-jig called "The Butterfly". It was my daughter's favorite dance and she did very well with it in competition.

  7. My husband makes me smile, my chattery youngest, stacking wood, snow storms on a friday with the weekend ahead, cheese scones, lemon curd and a hoast of other things :-) hope your weekend is great and full of smiles, Pam :-)

  8. Thanks for explaining a slip-jig! Nice post!

  9. Your cute photo made me smile. Our blue skies and mild temperatures are also making me smile.
    Happy weekend to you.

  10. Your photo is lovely...right now the sun is shinning here and I am so thinking I need to get out and enjoy the that is making me smile. xoxo

  11. Zinnias are a favorite of mine too! Happy Weekend:@)

  12. Such a sweet list. Lemon pie sounds perfect for this weekend. A bouquet of daisies would be awfully lovely too. Josie and I will spend more time playing with your sweet paper dolls too!

  13. I'm going to work on my smile this weekend! In fact...I think I'll make a list, too! Thinking of my favorite things would make me smile...tomorrow! I'm too tired and worn out tonight. lol Sweet hugs!

  14. My puppies make me smile! When ever I walk in the door they are so excited to seem me. It doesnt matter if I have been gone 5 minutes or 5 hours, they jump with joy!

  15. So many things make me smile - seeing a post on my list from you always makes me smile. Hope your weekend is smiley and wonderful!

  16. You made me smile today. Thank you.
    I liked the photo.
    Have a happy weekend! Hugs

  17. Oh yes, I would say the sunshine and flowers make me smile. Just like your photo. Have a happy weekend!

  18. ♪♫º♫♫º
    Olá, amiga!

    Passei para uma visitinha e amei a alegria e o colorido do seu blog.
    Seus trabalhos são muito bonitos.

    ღ°Bom fim de semana! ♪♫º
    ♪♫♫º Beijinhos.
    ♪♫º Brasil.♪♫♫º

  19. O que me faz sorrir, são pessoas como você que postam coisas lindas e simples! Amei! Beijos!

  20. Such kind wishes. Thank you and back at ya. What puts a smile on my face is friendship, like yours.

  21. Have a smiling weekend for you and family.Have a great greenday

  22. Happy weekend! My family and a ride in the country makes me smile! :)

  23. Que possas sorrir muito nesse domingo e semana! beijos,chica

  24. Many things make me smile. Sweet photos that bloggers take such as this one. Zinnias and sunflowers. Several that is on your list! Enjoy your Sunday!

  25. My friends make me smile. Had a wonderful evening with a dear friend last night and now I'm visiting with my blog buddies. Big smiles!

  26. Beautiful photo & list! ✻ღϠ₡ღ✻
    `*.¸.*✻✿ ✻**.¸`Enjoy your day.. Keep Smiling... Keep Shining!!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  27. Love your field picture:) Your blog is sooooo adorable xxx

  28. Uma das coisas que me fez sorrir hoje foi visitar o seu blog :)

  29. How I loved this post...It's such a sweet reminder for us all to stop and savor the moment. So many things make me smile...My kitty cats, my new grandbaby, my darling husband, a returned smile...Life is sooooo good!
    Blessings to you and thanks for your thoughtful comments.
    Carolynn xoxo

  30. Hello and thankyou for visiting me on my blog and leaving a comment. Have a great week. Gina

  31. Such sweet things!! Have a lovely week! xo Heather

  32. I am pining for ric rack and laces. I just want them. I like your list. It makes me smile too.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies