
Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Storm

This is what it looked like out our front door yesterday.
Mother Nature dropped about a foot of snow on us.
We could still see (barely) that there was a house across the road,
so it wasn't a complete whiteout.

But today our road got plowed, we shoveled out the driveway
and the sun in shining, so life is pretty much back to normal.

And I am a very happy Mama, because our son is coming home this weekend!
Hope you all have a very happy weekend, too!


  1. The snow makes for a beautiful scene.

    Enjoy your weekend with your son! xo

  2. We got a doozie of a load didn't we.

    Got out and about today, roads weren't too bad.

    Is this a long visit for your son?

    M :)

  3. We got about half that. February!!

  4. Mr. Icy Weather dumped some snow and sleet on us yesterday too but it's melting somewhat and maybe soon will be gone. I don't mind some of it but hate to drive on it.

  5. Enjoy spending time with your son.

    The snow looks magical.

    Happy Weekend.


  6. Glad to hear you're all shoveled out and it sounds like you have a nice weekend ahead! Enjoy:@)

  7. I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like living with snow. Australia only has it in winter in the high country and that's at least 5 hours drive from where I live.
    Have a fab weekend.
    Anne xx

  8. What a beautiful sight.......perfect weather for cosying up, hunkering down and spending some time with yarn and hook.

    Have a wonderful weekend with your son Gayle.......

    CLaire :}

  9. Wow you did get a heap of snow.....Heidi
    enjoy your winter wonderland!

  10. Enjoy your time with your son!

  11. We got the tail-end of your wicked storm. Have a fabulous weekend with your son. I rescued a 1930s doll from an estate sale today. Your sweet little gingham blue dress has become her new outfit. Hugs!

  12. That snow looks cold! Enjoy your time with your son. I love it when my chickadees are at home in the nest.

  13. Imagem linda de neve, enquanto aqui onde moro o sol está muito quente! O calor altíssimo e tempestades de tarde!Um abração! Bom fim de semana!

  14. It's a bit scary when it's coming down like that. Glad you got dug out and can enjoy your son's visit. :)

  15. Looks like a blustery but pretty snow. Hope you have a great weekend with your son. Enjoy!

  16. I have both my sons at home this weekend - I know how excited you feel! It is so nice to seem them, if only briefly, and have a family meal all together again.

    Pomona x

  17. So beautiful! Happy weekend and have a wonderful time with your son! xo Heather

  18. Enjoy your weekend with your son :)

  19. Winter wonderland!
    Weekend Blessings :)

  20. It has been quite the winter for everyone, hasn't it?
    At least the picture turned out very nice.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies