
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Keep Me Safely

A few months ago, while poking around in a junk shop,
I discovered this old needlepoint bedtime prayer in a frame.
It was on the floor, covered in dust and it's paper backing was torn,
but I could still see faintly written in pencil:

"This needlepoint was made for Susan by her Grandmother Harrington 
when she was 6 years old".

I don't know Susan or her Grandmother.
And I have no idea how this came to be separated from them.
I wish they knew that their beautifully stitched prayer was safe with me.

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
Keep me safely through the night
And wake me with the morning light.

* * *

I'm linking to
Vintage Thingie Thursday at The Colorado Lady


  1. What a beautiful stitchery. It's nice to save something like that and enjoy it again!

  2. I'm glad you rescued this stitchery. This is the girls bedtime prayer. Josie likes to sing her version of it.

  3. Grandmother spent a lot of time on that. I'm glad you rescued it.

  4. Oh! I'm so happy that you found this. You will appreciate it, and keep it safe!

  5. Glad you found this popluar prayer and gave it a good home.

  6. Let's try again.

    It is interseting what one finds in these shops.
    Very cool.

    M :)

  7. Oh how lucky you found and rescued this cross-stitch! I always wonder the story behind such pieces!

  8. Acabei de conhecer o seu blog e achei maravilhoso. Me visite:

    Beijos Marie.

  9. I love that you rescued that prayer - it is very special. I have a pair of white, high top baby shoes, they were in a box with "Billie's Shoes" written on it and I couldn't bear that Billie's shoes were in a thrift shop, so now they live with me.

  10. I can just picture this dear grandmother stitching this piece for her granddaughter. How sweet. What a lovely post this is and so heartwarming to know that you have rescued and appreciate this piece. Wherever the grandmother is now, I'm sure she is smiling.

  11. I am so glad you rescued that sweet stitchery! So sad to think that it's not still in the family, but glad it has found an appreciative home.

  12. How wonderful that you found the piece and gave it safe haven. Sometimes I wonder where my stitchery will end up in years to come as no one in my family likes that kind of thing, it seems. Perhaps someone like you-

  13. This is precious and I'm happy it has a forever home with you.

  14. Wonderful piece for you to find . . . now safe with you. I like this version of the prayer more than the one I heard when I was growing up . . .

    keep me safely through the night . . .
    and wake me with the morning light . . .

    leaves me with peace, not fear . . .

  15. I'm so happy the stitching found a good home with you. Sad to think it might have been thrown out.

  16. I love this...this is the prayer I always prayed as a child! Pure joy you found. xoxo

  17. What a treasure and it's gone to a good home.

  18. How beautiful this is. take good care of this!!!

  19. What a TREASURE! I'm sure it would warm that grandmother's heart to know that someone as sweet as you is taking good care of her handwork!

  20. Such a sweet post:) Thanks for sharing.

  21. Oh this is really lovely, so glad you found it and took care of it. Happy weekend from Pam

  22. Such a precious treasure!!! Love that you brought it home to cherish! xo Heather

  23. It makes you wonder what happened to Grandma Harrington and Susan. they would be thrilled to know it is being loved again.

  24. That is sweet that you found such a wonderful piece. I always wonder about the people that make some of the stuff that I buy.

  25. I like this so much. And I like this verse better than the one I was taught as a kid: If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." Yikes. What a thing for a kid to have to say every night!


  26. Those are the things that intrigue me about the thrift. The separation of items. I wonder if one day Sarah will wonder where that went. I love that it is now safe and secure.

  27. It's good to know other folks save beautiful things from the bone yard. I can't seem to resist embroidery pieces. This is, especially, beautiful.

  28. Oh. How sweet. I'm so glad you are the keeper of this precious sentiment for both of them.

  29. What a lovely find Gayle....I'm sure the owner and maker of this sweet stitchery would be happy to know it's in safe and caring hands now.....

    Claire :}

  30. Beautiful! I love the colors!

  31. One of my favourite books when I was growing up was a prettily illustrated prayer book. The first prayer in the book started with the same two lines –
    Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the lord my soul to keep

    but ended with

    If I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take.
    I prefer your version!


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies