
Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Lacecap hydrangeas.
These cool blue beauties grow in my Mama's yard.

I'd love to grow some. But I'm not sure if I have enough shade. 
They would probably turn pink in my yard because the soil is so different here.
Have any of you midwest gardeners had success with these?


  1. Gayle I haven't had any luck with these but my neighbor has a load of them on her north side and she literally ignores them. They are gorgeous. Best to keep them against the foundation and out of the horrible wind....smiles..Renee

  2. Those are just magnificent!
    John has had his surgery and you can read an update on yesterday's post.

  3. But I would like pink because mine are all blue!! They are pretty!

  4. These are so beautiful!! I have never seen this type of hydrangea before!! So pretty! xo Heather

  5. I planted some 10 years ago here in France but I had not enough shade so they are all gone...... And I love those colors and texture. It's a pity .....but I have so many beautiful roses!!!

  6. There beautiful my mum grows them in her garden in Shropshire infact one bush has 3 different colours on it, pink, blue and like a very colour in between them both. dee x

  7. They are so beautiful!

    I've never grown hydrangeas. However.. they are certainly on my 'garden wish list!'

    Hope today is a great one!

  8. Ah is that what they are called. I've seen them before and thought it was a hydrangea gone wrong.

  9. THose are sooo pretty. I wish I could help on advice, but we don't get such pretty hydrangeas here in Texas.

  10. Just found your blog and love it. I love hydrangeas and your photos are awesome! New Follower.

    Hugs, Jody

  11. We have some also on the north side of our house. So very pretty. Love the blue colors.

  12. So very pretty. I may of loss some of mine with the drought.

  13. So beautiful..........just like a vintage card! I have never tried to raise these beauties, the conditions are so harsh here. I do know that if you change the acidity to your bed, you will be able to have blue or pink.

  14. Those are really pretty! Have a great Labor Day Weekend.

  15. I love Lace Cap Hydrangeas . . . beautiful!

  16. We just planted two new hydrangea bushes in the garden. I am anxious for next year and seeing them grow since it is too late in the season. So for now...I am enjoy seeing your beauty!!!

    Hugs from Holland ~

  17. Blue Hydrangeas....Ahhhh! They are so beautiful. Yours are simply wonderful!
    Blessings, my sweet friend,
    Carolynn xo


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies