
Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Day In Lexington

 Today we visited historic Lexington.

It is filled with beautiful old homes, 
many of them pre-civil war era.

We nick- named the periwinkle house the "Angel House".
(Do you see them?)

Downtown is filled with lovely antique and gift shops.

We enjoyed a tasty lunch at a little tea house:
The Victorian Peddler.
I loved the amazing vintage tin ceiling.
I had a grilled chicken, swiss and avocado sandwich
with side salad and raspberry iced tea.
Mr. Garden ordered the reuben.

150 years ago, a battle was fought here. 
The Lafayette County Courthouse downtown still has a
cannonball lodged in the left column.
Oops, the Union Army didn't have very good aim.

Now a state historic site, the Anderson House 
was once right smack in the middle of The Battle of Lexington.
The battle waged for three days and many men died.
Each one of those men was someone's son.
I know this all happened a very long time ago, but
I had a hard time holding back tears when we walked out on the field.

 We stopped to take a peek inside this church.
Mr. Garden lit a candle as I oohed and ahhed my way down the aisle
to get a good look at the stained glass. 

And then we headed home.

 * * *
Do you have a favorite day-trip destination?


  1. What a beautiful place. The old buildings are so well maintained. Lunch looked delicious and in a nice Tea room. I love visiting places like this. You are lucky to be able to do it for a day trip.We don't have a lot of historical places close but I do enjoy going to Gympie and riding on the old Steam train into the country for the day.

  2. Thank you for taking us along. What a fun trip. Such beautiful history and architecture. Your sandwich looks especially yummy. Now, I'm craving avocado and it's 7am!!

  3. Great day trip . . . Stained glass in last photo is brilliantly beautiful!

  4. Looks like a great destination for a summer trip. I just love all the old houses, they have so much more character than the newer ones.

  5. Looks like a beautiful community! I've wanted to check it out myself but have never gotten there. Your photos make me wish I had!

  6. Looks like a great day trip. The houses are so interesting and the church looks beautiful.
    The lunch also looks like it was very tasty.

  7. How beautiful. I love old buildings and lovely old architecture. We don't have us much of it our here in the west though. You should link this up to the party today.

  8. Wow that is really interesting! We need to take a weekend and visit there. When we take our day trips it's usually up to K.C.

  9. And this is why we call our state "The show Me State"!
    Great photo tour!

  10. We love to day drip to Eureka Springs. Just the most amazing buildings and scenery...I don't think we have stopped in Lexington. Good to know. Smiles...Renee

  11. What a wonderful tour!! The photos are amazing.

    I think our favorite day trip is to the wildlife refuge nearby - we pack up a picnic and enjoy the scenery and wildlife and always get great photo opportunities.

  12. How wonderful! Thank you for giving me another place I want to visit! That cannon ball in that column is so cool!

    For day trips I love Kansas City,Branson, and of course Laura Ingalls house. :)

  13. That looked like a fun trip. Loved the antique architecture and the church is beautiful. Thanks for taking us along.


  14. What a lovely tour! I just adore those houses! Would love to live in one! So glad you had a wonderful time! Enjoy your weekend! xo Heather

  15. Lovely pictures of your day trip.
    For more than 25 years, my family: parents, siblings, spouses and children, take a day trip to Rockport, Massachusetts.

  16. Looks like a neat place to visit. I love the old stately homes there.
    Lunch looks pretty yummy too.

  17. Love your photos and this looks like the perfect day trip. I was just saying last weekend to my family that I needed new blog post material. My son, who lives in KC, suggested a trip to Lexington!

  18. Isn't this a great place to visit?
    Love the old homes and stores.
    Parkville and Weston are some of my faves.


  19. Beautiful pictures, Gayle. I know you must certainly enjoy these trips! The older houses have such character!

  20. We have driven through that area in our travels and it is very beautiful. We like to go to Canaveral National seashore for a day trip! That's the pic in my banner.

  21. Thank you so much for sharing your trip. Looks like y'all had a wonderful time.
    I just love to visit Louisiana and stay in the historic bed and breakfasts.

  22. I'd take any one of those houses in your first picture!
    They are all awesome!! Love that angel house too!!

    What a lucky girl you are to have someplace so beautiful to visit and make a day trip out of.

    Thanks for sharing!!
    Smiles :)


  23. Your photos are gorgeous! So much history and unique architecture and your lunches look wonderful.

  24. Sounds like a perfect day! History, architecture, and good food with your hubby. Nice!

  25. A perfect destination; it combines beauty and poignant history. Thank you for sharing.


    ps It's good to be back.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies