
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blowin' In The Wind

It's another beautiful breezy day here.
What's it like in your neck of the woods?

(Lyman Whitaker's copper wind sculptures.)


  1. Love those classy works of art, fun, fun!

    We have enjoyed several days of beautiful weather but the clouds have moved in today...there's always something indoors that needs my attention. xo

  2. I have seen these mobiles before and I think it's the same artist. Fun to watch. It's a bit breezy here today and we are supposed to get some cooler weather for a day or two and then back up to mid 70's. Hope you have a good day.


  3. love your pic!!!!! angie from germany

  4. Such fun sculpture. It's a windy day in West MI. I'm ready for a warm-up!

  5. Cold, wet and windy here in Essex. Here's to some sunshine soon!

  6. Okay, now at my house we call these Windy Wednesdays (usually our trash day) when you can find recyclables all over the neighborhood. However, when the kids were little we called them Winnie the Pooh Days. Lovely picture...smiles...Renee

  7. Neat sculptures! Cool here, but it's good to see the sun after a couple days of rain:@)

  8. Windy and cool; yesterday I wore a pullover sweater and a long sleeved shirt over it, inside the tractor! Doesn't seem much like weather to be baling hay.

  9. Breezy here in Arkansas. Thought it was going to be cool but we got up to 82 today. Great sculpture

  10. Such a cool sculpture!! Thanks for sharing!! Have a lovely night!! xo Heather

  11. I wouldn't call some of our days here beautiful and breezy....our winds can get pretty ROUGH.
    Personally, I hate the wind more then anything.
    But, spring is slowly coming on us here and I relish every warm and sunny day.

  12. I did take a look at your glassware page! What a great idea to feature your favorite pieces! Is green your favorite color?


  13. It's been a little breezy but warmer here in mid-MO today, in the 70's. Same for tomorrow, but chance of rain coming. We ate on the patio this evening and it was very nice!

    You asked me where the white barn was on I70. It's about 60 miles more or less going east from Kansas City just east of the Emma exit on the left of the interstate if you're going east. I took the outer road and drove down a mile or so to get the shot. I don't like pulling off on the side of such a busy highway as that one! Thanks for your visits and comments and have a good week!

  14. LOVE the copper art! That takes some talent....our snow all melted yesterday. Today the sun is shining!

  15. Rainy and cool here today in NC.
    Love the sculptures. I would almost welcome a windy day to see them at work :).

  16. It looks like possible rain here. Which would be good as we are short on it! But yesterday was just lovely.

  17. it is windy and rainy and rainy and windy - but then we could say that about most any day this spring - and tomorrow - windy and rainy.

    I love those wind sculptures - they fascinate me.

  18. Close to the 90's already here in Vegas, and very windy. Only a few more weeks andi I'll be cooling off in Washington!


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies