
Friday, March 2, 2012

Ready For Spring!

Spring is just around the corner!
I'm ready!  
Are you?

(Hey, Mr. Weatherman, it's a no-no to send us snow in March!)


  1. Yes, I am ready for Spring as well :) I am looking forward to the warmer days and spending time out in the garden. (no more snow here either Mr. Weatherman pls!)

  2. Aren't your dishes lovely! I'm all about spring even though we've been told a winter storm is headed our way this evening. A girl can dream!

  3. yes I am ready!!!! Weather here is beautiful sunny and not cold at all. The last four days you hear cranes flying over to the north. there are thousands of them. Everybody knows that now spring will arrive soon!!!!
    I was in Holland for ten days so could not visit you earlier;

  4. I spy chickens yay,........I'm sure you are all looking forward to sunny days and warmer weather Gayle.
    I hope it's not too far away for you.
    We've had 9 inches of rain here this week, a sunny and windy day yesterday dried a load of washing but more rain due today.

    Have a great weekend,

    Claire :}

  5. Yes yes I'm ready and I agree no no no snow!!!

  6. I'm ready for spring too! But I will say that "onion snow" dusting would be ok-Happy Weekend:@)

  7. This photo makes spring seem just around the corner . . .

  8. Your dishes make the girlie-girl in me happy.

    Yes, Spring. I can't wait!

  9. I love those spring like dishes. sandie

  10. What a complete mess it was. Could you believe the gorgeous weather and then having to pay for it with today? Yes, I am ready for Spring and a dose of sweet coffee cake served up on a dish like these. Smiles...Renee

  11. I am ready for Spring. Today I work in my flowers beds. But I would not turn away snow.

  12. dang
    we get LOTS of snow in March
    and even April
    yup...that's the joys of living in Alberta.

  13. Just close the blinds and set the table with those dishes and you'll be able to imagine that spring is here!

  14. We are looking forward to a cooler break. March is going out with a bang and high temperatures and wet wet humidity.

  15. Oh I thought it was going to be a spring day in my part of the world today - but it was freezing. We need more rain, but I'm ready for a bit of warmth!

    Love your sweet springy dishes!

  16. The colours in your photograph are lovely.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  17. We didn't have much of a winter BUT I am ready for spring just the same! Love the dishes :)


  18. I'm so so so ready!
    Love the plate colors!!

  19. I love it when the days start to become longer and the sun's rays reach that little bit further.

    Very nice patterns and colours in your picture. They do look like Spring!

  20. I am ready!!! Love the dishes.

  21. I'm so ready for spring. While walking to the backyard to get birdseed to fill the feeders I nearly sank up to my ankles - we have had so much rain in the PNW - and more coming - squish squish! But it keeps us green - and my roses have new shoots.

  22. I'm definitely ready for spring, but we just got a few more inches of snow dumped on us last night too. Yuck.

    I see you have your cheery spring dishes out...and I just put some spring into my home by displaying some bright flowers! :-)

  23. Yes! I was so happy when I left for work the other day and heard the birds singing. Love the yellow blue ridge Mom had some.

  24. Your dishes look like a breath of spring! So pretty.
    The daffodils and tulips are popping up all over around here, so I think I'm ready.

  25. Hi!
    Beautiful dishes!

    You sound all chipper and ready for Spring!

    I was ready and waiting last week, gardening in t-shirt, but this weekend has been continuous rain, it's cold again and we've lit the fire!

    Thanks for stopping by mine and leaving a comment!

    Gill xx

  26. I am ready for spring!! We keep getting teased with warm weather and sun, but it doesn't last more than a day. It can't be long now, right?


  27. It has snowed ALL DAY LONG today! We had to go out in it, too. usually we just sit tight till it stops.

    Your pretty dishes are a nice splash of color to an otherwise very grey day.

  28. Oh I hope Mother Nature listens to you! March can be bad, i remeber snow in April too!

  29. And thanks so much for putting my party button up!


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies