
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

More Junk and Donations

I'm rooting junk out of all the nooks, crannies. closets and drawers.
Finding lots more things that can go!!
And getting closer to reaching my 366 Challenge goal!

Boo hoo... broken things.  Oh well, it happens.
(Anyone know a mosaic artist who could reuse these broken bits of china/pottery?)

(I'm missing photos of a few things. 
I dropped a box off at the donation center 
and then realized I had not taken a picture.  Too late!)

At last count, I had reached #118.  So I'll continue from there:

119.   Tablecloth
120-121.   Napkins (2 sets)
122-125.  Table runners (3)
126- 131.  Picture frames (6)
132-133.  Tea towels (2)
134- 144.  Huge sack full of artificial flowers and greenery 
145.  Cookie jar with broken lid.
146.  Broken bowl
147.  Broken plate
148.  Big pile of old computer software and manuals
149- 160.  Old computer games and programs (12)
161-165.  Computer memory, ports and cables (5)
166-167.  Poly quilt batting (2)
168.  Bushel basket
169.  Teddy bear
170.  Old beach towel
171. Twin mattress pad
172. Twin sheet set
173-224- Books (51)

Yipeeeeeee!!!  Yahoooooo!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!  224 things gone from my house !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 142 more to go.

Letting go of things you no longer want or need is easier than you think.
And this is how I feel right now:

I'm doin' a happy dance!

I invite you to join me in the 366 challenge
 It's never too late to start.


  1. You are a great inspiration for de-cluttering.

  2. Hey Gayle, well done you're well on on your way to achieving your goal.

    My clean up has slowed down a little, but I'm very pleased with the results thus far.......

    Hope your week is going well. This week seems to have whizzed by, I feel like I've skipped a day somehow.

    Claire x

  3. Holy Cow're doing a wonderful job!!! I'm having trouble just throwing out my old magazines let along everything else I don't need. Thanks for the I just need to act on it! Have a wonderful evening.
    Maura :)

  4. HELP, I keep bringing (excuse my rough language) crap into my house....what a great idea!!

  5. Good for you! I also dropped off things today. 1 end table, placemants, and misc to one place and then 2 boxes at the thrift store. Sorry, don't have the "number count"..but it's been ALOT since the first of the year. Small progress for me! Hubby hasn't noticed, yet!

  6. I just donated 5 bags of "stuff" to Vietnam Veterans this morning! :-)

  7. I'm still at it-----working on my March declutter, bit by bit. Took one big load to the thrift store on Monday with January and February junk.

  8. It does feel good to get things cleaned out. I hope you enjoyed your Windy Wednesday..smiles..Renee

  9. Wow amazing! I need to do something like this too! Not sure it will happen just yet but maybe when we move (into our extension) I will have to. Great idea!

  10. Great job!
    We try to send this every month when the truck comes. I'm not sure what our total to date is but I know things are outa here!


  11. Way to go, gayle. Keep up the good work.

  12. Good for you...I seem to be doing the opposite...but I tell myself every time I bring something home I have to take something I always have a junk box in the works. Have a blessed day my friend. xoxoxo

  13. Good for you, Gayle. I've got a furnace room full of boxes that have barely been touched since we moved into this house nearly 10 years ago. I need to do some serious spring cleaning.

  14. Great job on your de-cluttering goals. I have 3 bags sitting on my porch waiting for an AmVets pick up. It's a good feeling to lighten up for spring. Joining you in the happy dance.

  15. Love this idea! Don't know if I have 366 items after decluttering last year, but one never knows. I read an earlier post about Fabric Recycle...I so want to move to your town!!!

    blessings, jilly

  16. This is a great idea, but I don't know if I am ready to part with my stuff yet!!!!

  17. Oh I love this! I just popped over from Sugarland Quilts and I am going to join in. I am already doing lots of decluttering this year while trying to raise money doing so. I will continue to try and create a goal of something each day if I can.

    Hugs from Holland ~

  18. Hi, thanks for the challenge! I would love to join your list of blogs that are participating. My blog is thanks! Jean


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies