
Monday, February 13, 2012

Lincoln Logs

Since yesterday was President Lincoln's birthday,
I thought I'd pull these out and build a log cabin.
I love construction toys!

Did you play with Lincoln Logs when you were a kid?
(These were my son's.)

We finally got a wee bit of snow!!  
Not enough to make snow angels,
but it's white and it's cold and it's sticking to the ground.

P.S.-  Sorry about the wait to reveal the project I was working on.
I need a couple more days.  I promise to show all later this week.


  1. Yes we played with them when were little. It did not hurt we lived 10 miles from THE Lincoln Log Cabin, Abe Lincoln parents home!
    suppose to snow here far nothing!

  2. Lovely snow tree picture. I never heard of lincoln logs before ..........

  3. We have Lincoln Logs and my boys sure love them!

  4. Sad to say, but I'm older than Lincoln logs ;( but my girls had them. They were put away when they outgrew them and then brought back out for the grandchildren. They're splendid toys for the creative kids.

    We've had snow today too.

  5. One of my cousins had Lincoln logs. I had Tinker Toys!

  6. Beautiful snow pic special..

    Claire :}

  7. Oh yes! And then they got mixed up with the Tinker Toys and things really got interesting : )

  8. We didn't have Lincoln Logs, but a friend did. My youngest brother had City Blocks. We could build houses with doors, windows and roofs. Don found a set (he had them too when he was a kid) at a thrift store one day and now we have it. The grandsons get it out and play with it with Grampy now and then.

  9. The Lincoln logs look like fun, I have never seen them before.
    Enjoy the snow..ours is starting to melt away now, but it was nice while it lasted.
    I look forward to the reveal in a few days time :)

  10. You Lincoln Logs are fabulous. What a wonderful tribute to President Lincoln. Very clever!

  11. My husband's father brought my husband's big box of Lincoln Logs with him when he came to visit, and now they are in our boys' room. The boys would rather play with the Nintendo DS, though.

  12. Cute post . . . I love to play with Lincoln Logs. I still have my sons from the sixties. Have added more sets for the grand kids. Now they are grown up graduating senior HS or in college . . . where have the years gone.

    Thanks for the memories . . .

  13. Happy V'Day!
    I love playing with Lincoln logs!
    I want to find a set for my g'son.
    I bought him the old fashioned TinkerToys for Christmas.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies