
Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I was walking down the hallway when I heard it.
I followed the sound.

And there was Natasha,
hiding in the linen closet,
sleeping on all my clean towels.


  1. She looks very comfortable but now you'll get cat hairs on your wet skin when trying to dry yourself.

  2. And looking pretty pleased about it too..."Look Mom, I found this marvelous, soft bed, just Puurrrfect for me". xo

  3. aahhh what can you say ;-)) Its warm and cosy i don't blame her at all clever cat ;-)) dee x

  4. Hihi, that sounds familiar, we also have a cat who LOVES to do such things.

    Have a nice day! Hugs, Carolien

  5. aww..looks like she is pretty cosy there! :P

  6. Looks like she approves of your folding:@)

  7. My cat used to sleep on the clean towels in the lined closet. She would force the sliding door open and go in and nap for hours. I think it had more to do with getting away from my then 2 & 4 year old children because they couldn't reach her there. All I could see were two yellow eyes shining out in the darkness. And yes, there was cat hair on everything until I found an old blanket and kept everything covered. :-)

  8. I think cats know how to survive, (and find comfort). I wonder if that is why they have "nine lives?"

  9. That's the thing about cats. They just think they own EVERYTHING! ~lol~

  10. These always curl up in funny places. My cat used to curl up in the bathroom sink! I used to have a black kitty like yours-I miss her! Have a great week!

  11. The little stinkers just make their beds anywhere they please. Very cute.


  12. You know this happen over the holidays. Our Reagan snuck out the back door when we let the dogs in and all we heard was "Meow"...low and behold that poor baby was outside trying to get back in (he is an indoor cat only) freezing paws and all. I have to say the towels are a much more comfortable spot....smiles...Renee

  13. Now your clean towels will have black hairs on them! Gotta love our pets!

  14. She looks so pretty!

    We had one that wanted to be behind the towels, so he would wedge in and end up pushing the clean stacks onto the floor. Grrr.

  15. What a stinker! That looks like a very soft place to take a nap. Last night we had a great big fluffy black and white male kitty show up outside. Haven't seen him today though.

  16. Cute! My kitty does the same thing. I don't dare put a stack of clean linens on the bed and leave it for long because if I do, I'll find her curled up on it sound asleep! Why is it that they seem to seek out the clean laundry?

  17. My cats also seek out the clean laundry! Natasha looks so much like my Magic.

    This is a sweet picture!

  18. Aww--so sweet! Cats have a way of finding great get-away places.

  19. Adorable, mine likes to lie on the ironing pile - my fault for letting it get so big and comfy! Gill x

  20. LOL* so cute. It looks like lil kitty feels cozy in there §;-)

    Happy mid-week.

    Greetings from Stockholm,

  21. My parents' cat do the exact same thing!


  22. so very cute~
    I know if I left the linen cupboard door open my Joey would be there too, sooo very comfy!

  23. What a cozy little nest! Our shelties love to snooze on the bath mat my husband leaves on the rug by the shower.

    Love all your vintage touches - linens, green depression ware...I have the amber.

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog - hope to see you again soon & I have also become a follower of yours.

  24. My grandparents' cat always slept in the linen closet :-)

  25. That looks so adorable. I love how cats seem to find the strangest places to sleep but also look so cute in doing so! Love the previous post with the beautiful tea cups! Just finished a cup of tea myself! Enjoy your day!

  26. Did Natasha get a reward for napping in the linen closet? ;-)

  27. How adorable! we once had a cat that played hide and seek from us all the time, she once hid in a box spring that had a slit in the covering. lol
    Enjoy your day.

  28. And does she think you can't see here in there? LOL

  29. I did smile when I saw this post - my Monty has just sneaked up high into my son's tall cupboard with all the spare duvets and pillows - top shelf - he's very comfy and NO-ONE can reach him! xx

  30. Awwwww, lookin' all sweet and cozy. Can ya blame her???

    God bless and have a stupendous day filled with all kinds of great surprises! :O)

  31. Oh, she's so cute! I have a couple cute black kitties in my home, too.

  32. Natasha looks very happy! Love your blog!

  33. Natasha knows a comfy spot when she sees it!


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