
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fabric Recycles

We have a wonderful little fabric and craft resale shop here in town!  It's called Fabric Recycles.

The store's "ever-changing inventory" is very unique, with everything coming from stashes that have been hidden away in closets for years.  Some items are vintage.  Others are newer.  All the prices are fantastic.

It's so much fun to browse through the cubbies of well organized, color coordinated fabric, thread, floss and yarn,  Piles of ufo's wait for a new owner.  Walls are covered with oodles of buttons, sequins, ribbons, lace, piping, trims, knitting needles, darning eggs and gadgets galore.  Seasonal craft books, magazines and patterns are stacked by the hundreds.  You can easily while away an hour or two in here.

The  owner, Page (pictured here), is as sweet as can be.

If you quilt, crochet, knit, sew, craft, embroider, hook rugs, or are creative in any way, you must stop in to see this shop!

Thank you to the staff at Fabric Recycles for allowing me to photograph your fun store!  I just love your shop!

(PS- for bloggers who are joining in the 366 challenge,  this is the place to drop off the sewing and craft items you no longer use.   If you have a lot to donate, click on the store link above to learn about stash buyouts, etc...)


  1. that place looks fabulous, gayle. i'm sure you've spent hours there. i know i would.

    i hope your new year is off to a fab start, my friend.


  2. Wow! What a great idea. I sure wish I lived nearby.

  3. Probably just as well it isn't close to me.... I would spend hours and my stash would grow not diminish!

    I am collecting up stuff for my clutter reduction. Hope to have a report on my blog later today!

  4. Gayle...I bet I have passed you on the isles...Love this store and its a favorite stop on Wed. when I drop of Jerod at Church for confirmation....smiles...Renee

  5. What a wonderful shop....and a super idea!

  6. I would love to spend a few hours in a store like that. How fun!


  7. Wow - what a lovely looking shop. I love the way everything is all colour co-ordinated. It has such a personal touch about the way it is presented - lucky you to be able to browse there.

  8. That shop s a real PARADISE............

  9. I'm back and it's great to see you again. Happy, peaceful New Year to you.

    That shop.... I don't suppose you would buy me a return plane ticket from France, would you? ;-)

  10. What a great shop, I wish we had something like that nearby for when I want to 'destash'........
    I'm sure you could have a lot of fun just browsing too.

    I'm not joining the 366 challenge officially but I'm definitely in the decluttering mode. In fact I think I could've completed half the challenge in one arvo when I went through my wardrobe......all those wire coathangers!! They just seem to multiply don't they, well not any more.

    Boy it feels good to get rid of stuff.

    Claire :}

  11. What a lovely store. My mother the quilter would get lost there for hours!!

  12. You could find so much there that isn't in stores. I just love how people come up with these ideas.

  13. Oh my goodness - it's a good thing that this store isn't near me! would add to my stash!

  14. What a wonderful store! It would be so much fun to browse there!

  15. What a wonderful place to browse away an hour or so, great mosaics too!

  16. What a great store! I wish we had one in New Castle.

  17. What a fun idea and concept...wish we had one here. Love all those red threads together..thank you for sharing. xoxoxo

  18. Wow, she must be very organized. Fabulous idea.

  19. I would squeal with delight if I got a chance to visit this store! We have nothing like this and no charity stores like we had in UK. I so miss rummaging. Thank you for the cyber tour. Gill x

  20. Oh boy! Wish I could visit this shop! And it all looks so neat and well organized. Thanks for the tour.

    I am considering the de-cluttering challenge ;) I think Popa is too; he took things to the recycling place this morning.

  21. I love this place and Paige is just wonderful! I have been there several times. It is a place that I can get into trouble though. :)


  22. Wow. This looks wonderful! It would make me feel creative just to walk into that room!

  23. I just wish we had a store like that here in the northeast. It looks like so much fun!

  24. oh what a shop - but not for those who want to downsize - unless they are getting rid of stuff there. Hee Hee I love the idea of getting rid of UFOs there.

  25. I wish I could visit this wonderful shop, but it would be deadly for me. I love fabric!!!!

  26. Wish I could check that out-looks at a great place!

  27. What an interesting place. I would love to spend an afternoon there!
    Our local thrift store occasionally has such items, but this is an amazing inventory!

  28. Now this is a store I could get lost in for days! We have nothing whatsoever like it around our area. I know you enjoy your time there!

  29. You are so lucky to have a wonderful store like this.. I too wished I lived nearby..

  30. Wow! What a great place. I want one near me too.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies