
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Earthquake Warning System

Who woulda thought that people living in Kansas would need
an earthquake warning system?
But when Oklahoma starts shaking, apparently we do.

Here is all one needs:
A toy on wheels (in my case, a little wooden pig).

Place it prominently on a shelf in your craft room.  
When the whole shelf starts shaking and the pig starts rolling around 
you know the earth is moving under your feet.
(like it did yesterday)

Seriously, I hope that all the folks down in Oklahoma are OK.


  1. We felt the earthquake here in mid-Missouri, too!! Not a good feeling and it was just slight, I'd hate to be in a bigger quake. Here's hoping the New Madrid fault doesn't act up for another 100 years!

  2. I think earthquakes can happen just about anywhere. They've certainly happened every place I've lived - Michigan, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, California and New York!

    They are unsettling, aren't they?


  3. I wouldn't like having an earthquake at all-hope it doesn't happen!

  4. A very good warning system! What a brainwave! I remember my first (minor) earthquake when working in Athens, Greece. I had been given classes to teach on the eighth floor only to realise that the more senior teachers avoided this very floor as there was no elevator making it the least desirable place to teach in case of earthquakes.

  5. we had some in IL/MO a couple of years ago...woke me up and I screamed at my husband "run downstairs and hold the hutch!" how silly of me! it was over by the time we got out of bed!

  6. Hey Gayle, maybe you could market your earthquake warning system, hehe...........

    Wasn't aware that there had been an earthquake as I hadn't seen any weekend news, but have just checked on the internet. Fortunately, it wasn't too large, but not a nice experience whatever the size.

    Hope you have a great week,

    Claire :}

  7. Good warning system :-) Being from Alaska and California I'm used to much bigger ones - but prefer none, if the truth be told.

  8. Oh my...what a sweet little toy placed perfectly next to the tool box and twine holder. Genius earthquake alert system and relatively inexpensive as well. Smiles...Renee

  9. That must have been so scary for you all. I have been in a few here in the Pacific NW but nothing real serious...still it is frightening to feel everything moving when it shouldn't be. Glad to hear you are fine.

  10. Hello,
    whow, I have never felt an earthqake. Lucky me. Take care.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. The earth shakes around our place every once in a while, but so far, never hard enough to topple anything in the house. What a shocker for the people in OK!

  12. I am sure you will sleep better with that newly installed alarm. hehe At least we can joke about it. I hope no one was hurt. Can we be that lucky?

  13. Crazy times. Your earthquake warning system looks foolproof!

  14. I didn't feel it and I am about 50 miles south of you, Gayle!

  15. That is scary! I hate earth quakes, they always scare me to death! (Thanks for your kind comment.) ;D

  16. Wasn't aware that you'd had some tremors until I read your post, I should think it was quite unpleasant there for a while.
    Great early warning system, you could be onto something!

  17. You are so cute...we get earthquakes here too....always having drills at school. Stay safe! xoxox

  18. Hello! I haven't visited for awhile. Loved catching up on your posts. The kids at Halloween so cute, how the years fly.
    The tea cozy and cake look so good!
    We had an earthquake here this summer. We were sitting on the porch and the chairs started rocking and I could feel the vibration under my feet. Strange!

    Have a good week!

  19. When we had an earthquake here in Pennsylvania I was having my ceiling fixed, so with all the sawing and banging, I didn't notice it.

  20. too cute! and true!

    we here in NE Tx didn't feel anything out of OK. hope you stay safe too!

    thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! blessings to you!

  21. Oh, my goodness!!!!! I once was in Greece when there was an earthquake, I 'll never forget that moment!!!

  22. I went thru a mild one in Oregon and things fell off the wall..I was terrified! Can you imaging what it would be like to be in a big one?

  23. shaking has to be pun intended. Our daughter experienced a couple while they were in Mexico.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies