
Monday, April 4, 2011

The Doll That Started It All

This is the doll that started it all.

The little red-headed imp, Sherrie.

A card from my grandma, when I was about 9 years old,  
was the beginning of my love of paper dolls.   

She came with such cute clothes!  
And as the months and years went by, I drew a whole wardrobe for her.

A favorite toy.
Much loved, to this day.

Joining:  Favorite Things hosted by Laurie


  1. I used to love paper dolls! I wish I had saved them.
    What a sweet memory!
    My sister found me an Irish one, Kathleen! I didn't let my gkids near it!

  2. That is the sweetest little doll..she just makes me laugh! Love her cute cloths too..grandma's sure can start a lot! ;D

  3. What a sweet memory. I made paper doll clothes too.

  4. I remember having paper dolls and dressing them. It was fun. It is amazing that you still have yours.

  5. Cute and how neat that you still have her:@)

  6. What a sweet paperdoll. Such a lovely memory. When Mary Engelbreit had Home Companion magazine, I always looked forward to her paper dolls.

  7. I loved my paper dolls and looked forward to the Betsy McCall in the magazine every month. Sure wish I would have saved mine, how fun that you still have yous.

  8. What a spunky looking little thing - loved paper dolls when I was littler! This one's special!

  9. That is so sweet. I adored my paper dolls when I was young. I remember an oversized sturdy baby doll that came with magnetic clothing -- I liked her a lot.

  10. Very sweet. I only remember having one paper doll and it was Holly Hobbie. I can still remember her blue bonnett :)

  11. How lucky that you still have your paperdoll. My first one was Patti Page, my aunt (who was only 6 years older than me) sent it to me when we lived in Alaska. I love paperdolls.

  12. My girls have played with paper dolls all their little lives. They too have one little doll in particular that they have made clothes for. Hours and hours of designing, drawing, and coloring. They are destined to be one of their most treasured heirlooms. My oldest daughter took this idea a step further. She has a young sponsor child from Columbia that she made a doll for. When you sponsor through Compassion Int. you can only send paper gifts to them. It has to lie completely flat in the envelope. So, Hillary made her a doll, and every month she sends her a new outfit that she has made for it! Blessings, Debbie

  13. Oh I remembered playing and designed clothes and hair for paper doll..

    Yours is adorable..

  14. Thanks for your sweet post! I used to play with paper dolls all the time for hours on end. Good memories!!!
    I have started following your lovely blog.
    Have a wonderful week!!
    Chris :o)

  15. What a wonderful keepsake from your childhood. I loved paper dolls when I was little and would save up my allowance to buy them. ~~Sherry~~

  16. Oh what still have her! I adore paper dolls..part of my childhood for sure. Hugs. oxxo

  17. First of all, thank you for paying me a visit and your comments. It's so nice to hear from people that understand exactly my work at home life. I have so many "physical" friends, (vs. cyber friends) that just don't quite get it. I even feel I've lost some friends due to my change of lifestyle several years ago.
    Anyway I'm your newest follower because I see we have so much in common.
    I love collecting and I just love this paper doll collection. My mother was a huge paper doll collector when she was young and she started me with them when I was a little girl. Your post brought back good memories and now a desire to start collecting old paper dolls.
    Oh great, just what I need is a new collection!

  18. I also love paper dolls; Yours is unique!

  19. I loved hearing how your love of paper dolls began, Gayle! Such special memories you have.

  20. What a treasure you have here! I was looking at paper dolls today at jo-anns... just not the same. I always enjoyed playing with them when I was growing up.Thanks for sharing this memory.

  21. Oh I love paper dolls. How wonderful that you still have this little cutie and her clothes! You were quite the designer at a young age. laurie

  22. My sister and i would play with paper dolls for hours...I loved them too. I have some in my etsy shop right now..."The Sunshine family"

  23. I was recently tempted to buy paper dolls at a thrift store. They were so cute, but I just have too much stuff and don't need another collection addition.

  24. I loved paper dolls when I was a kid, I also loved those little cling ons too...very cute!

  25. Oh this brought back some wonderful memories! THOSE were good and simple days:)

  26. I loved paper dolls as a child. So wishing I still had them. I'm quite partial to little redheads...I have two of them.

  27. As a child I had such paperdolls, so lovely, I played with them till they were totally fallen in pieces...

  28. How lovely that you still have her and her wardrobe of cute outfits.
    Love that red hair!

  29. Oh How I loved Paper dolls too. I was crazy about the Betsey McCall dolls that came every month in my mom's magazine. I wish that I could see some of those again. I actually kept some from the Home Companion that used to be around. :)
    Thanks for sharing!



THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies