
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I have this little glass slipper sitting in my kitchen window.  (Amber hobnail glass, made by Fenton.) It once belonged to my grandmother.  It always makes me think of one of my favorite stories: Cinderella.   An ordinary girl meets a Prince, they fall in love, overcome all obstacles, get married and live happily ever after.    I do love a good fairytale!  Don't you?

These pictures are from a favorite childhood book of fairytales: "In Fairy Land",  Brimax Books, published nearly 50 years ago.  The illustrator is identified only by initials F.K.  (You can tell it got read a lot... dog eared corners and pages that are falling right out of the binding.)

When I think of Cinderella, and the beautiful dress made by her Fairy-Godmother, this girl in gold, with pearls woven through her hair is what immediately comes to my mind.  (Not the Disney version.)

Speaking of gowns and shoes, a few weeks ago, my best friend and I went to see the Princess Diana exhibit. (I'm on the right.)

 Diana's wedding gown, train and slippers were more detailed that you can see in photos.  Really amazing.  Loads of tiny sequins and tiny seed pearls.  That was truly a fairy tale wedding, but didn't have a happy ending.

These 3 pictures  ( Diana's clothes and Will and Kate) were borrowed from the web.  
We were not allowed to take pictures inside the exhibit.

We are about to witness another real live Cinderella story.  An ordinary girl (Kate) met a Prince at college (William), they fell in love,  worked out a few difficulties, and are getting married on Friday.  I hope with all my heart that they have a happy life together.  I'm excited to see Kate's gown and shoes and will be getting up early on Friday to watch on tv.  How 'bout you?

Joining Vintage Thingie Thursday, hosted by The Colorado Lady


  1. love this post!And, your glass slipper is so sweet. How lucky that you have it from your grandmother!

  2. How neat is that thanks for sharing the pictures.

  3. I love the illustrations in your old fairy tale book. And the hobnail slipper is quite a treasure.

  4. Hi, I just found your blog! Love, love, love all those pictures in that old book. I love books, even love the "smell" of books, especially the old ones! My husband thinks I'm nuts.

    I'm new at blogging and changing things up all the time. I just became your newest follower. Would love to have you stop by if you get a chance, and follow back if you feel so inclined.

  5. Your glass slipper and illustrations are just beautiful. What a treasurer to have the slipper from your grandmother. We had the treat of seeing the Princess Diana exhibit in February when it was in town. It was just breath-taking. I'm going to be glued to the television as much as I can this weekend for the royal wedding.

  6. Enjoyed visiting your blog and your post. I especially like the little shoe. I have seen several of those over the years. A nice treasure.

  7. I was wondering if it was worth going to visit? Seemed so pricey? I remember getting up to watch the wedding when I was younger. Can't believe her babies are getting married now. Thanks for sharing...Renee

  8. I love the illustrations in your Cinderella book, I agree, much better than Disney.

    I watched Princess Diane's wedding and the sad events through the years. I am believing that this marriage will a happy one, it would be so good for Britain.

  9. It's definitely all the talk and I certainly do my share of it! Can't wait. It's hard to imagine anything could rival Charles and Di's wedding but I just have a feeling it could happen... when one believes in fairy tales!

    Blessings, Debbie

  10. I really LIKE THAT glass slipper!!!!
    Yes...I got up all early-like and watched the wedding when I was young...and now- my kids want to get up and watch THIS Royal wedding. SO...I think I will be putting on the Tea and cozying up with them all. History repeats itself- let's hope this one IS a fairytale.....

  11. Hey Gayle, here's to a happy ending for this fairytale romance and yes, I will be watching the wedding.
    The poor things must be so nervous, but I am sure they will carry it off and have a wonderful day.

    Love the illustrations from your story book, beautifully done.
    What a sweet little slipper sitting on your window sill. I wonder where your grandmother got it from and is there a story behind it?

    Claire :}

  12. Your glass slipper is beautiful. I will be watching the Royal Wedding and maybe going to a street party in the afternoon xx

  13. Love your post. The old glass slipper and story book are gems. I've just watched "THe Windsor" on TV and Diana's wedding. Her dress was fabuloius. Lucky you to see it for real. I heard that one third of the world will be watching. We get it at 4:00pm tomorrow.

  14. That was a wonderful story and so appropriate. Loyola is a great school. I got my cup you commented about when I went to Balize. The Sisters I went with have a college in Balize St. John's College thru Loyola and one of the sisters gave it to me. They do wonderful work for the very poor down there, which is just about everyone.

  15. Beautiful post, you are true hopeless romantic! The hopnail slipper is beautiful, your very lucky to be able to have something so precious from your Grandmother... I love the story of cinderella to own that book of yours, I would love even more. :) I hope Prince Williams story will turn out happier than Diana's. I will be watching tomorrow as well.
    Have a wonderful day,

  16. I am looking forward to tomorrow! So wonderful you got to see the dress!

  17. Omigosh, that shoe is amazing...what a treasure to have!
    I love the Cinderella book as well, would love to find my own copy someday!

  18. I am slightly interested in the wedding. I'm a sceptic about celebrity weddings though. She's not just an ordinary girl. Isn't her family like amazingly rich? It's fun to make believe though! LOL!

  19. What a charming book! I hope that Kate and William have a happy life together. I have felt sad for him. It's hard enough to lose a mother, but imagine how he must have felt about all of the rumors surrounding her death. I'm sure I will tune in for a bit.

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  20. What fun to get to see Di's dress. My girls are really looking forward to watching William and Kate's wedding!

    Thanks for all the sweet comments on my blog. Too funny about the rain. We live about an hour from Seattle, so we live in all the rain...but this April has been a doozy...even for WA.

    Great pictures!!

  21. Wowee! Love the shoe, and beautiful illustrations! How wonderful to visit the Princess Diana exhibit!! I would love to see that. I can't wait for the wedding late tonight!!

  22. Lovely memory. The glass shoe and the book are really neat. I love the Cinderalla in the gold dress. I'm going to that Diana Exhibit on the 17th. Looks really special.

  23. What a beautiful glass slipper!
    And I love the illustrations in the cinderella story.
    I am excited to see Cate and William wed, although not very excited to have to get up at 2am here to see it...

  24. You made me go back to my childhood. I still believe in falling in love and finding a prince charming. That shoe is placed in just the right spot; I would love to be able to reflect back to so many wonderful memories of my grandmother each time I stood in front of that window. It's beautiful. xoxo

  25. Nope, not watching, I don't have any interest. Remember the Irish forgive but....And the last 2, Charles and Andrew, not very good endings at all!

    I love your slipper and Cinderella book, treasures!

  26. I was blown away when I heard yesterday on the news that Di and Prince Charles met only thirteen times before they exchanged vows. I have always said that she was a virgin chosen for breedin' stock.'s the farm chick in me.

    Hopefully William and Kate will have a different fairy tale life. I pray that for them.

    God bless and have a glorious day sweetie!!!

  27. I love your glass slipper! I would like to see Diana's wedding dress some day. I'm sure it is truly amazing in person. I will, of course, watch William and Kate marry. I wouldn't miss it for the world!

  28. What a beautiful glass slipper. I love the Cinderella story too. My favorite! And I will be watching this fairy tale wedding in the morning. I have to get up at 3:00am. How lucky to see the wedding dress of Princess Diana. Breath-taking. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. I hope you come back again. Also, love the Sun Bonnet Sue on your blog. She too is a favorite. Hugs, Karie

  29. What a delightful post, the fenton glass slipper is so pretty. I wish William and Kate the best, and am excited to see their marriage on TV, I guess my invitation got lost in the mail. ~smile~

  30. Love the Cinderella story... and those shoes of Dianas!
    Thanks for visiting...

  31. great post you made! Today is indeed a great day, I love royal weddings too...
    Have a great day and a lovely weekend!

  32. Fabulous post. I adore the glass slipper, the color is gorgeous. My MIL has a small collection of these slippers and I plan to do a post on her around Mother's Day. I enjoyed looking of your pics, and especially Dianna's wedding gown. Thanks for sharing.....

    The French Hutch

  33. The Cinderella story was always one of my favourites when I was a little girl, imagine growing up and marrying a Prince!
    Well, Catherine has done that, now she's a Princess.
    Congratulations to the new Duke & Duchess of Cambridge.

  34. It was all so gorgeous and makes me want to be a princess!

  35. I love your glass slipper. I remember my Grandmother collecting hobnail as well.

    The illustrations you shared here were also quite charming.

  36. I love your amber hobnail slipper! I have never seen one like it!

  37. Sadly I missed the wedding i was at quilt retreat. I love your glass slipper it is adorable!

  38. The Princess Diana exhibit would have been really interesting - especially with another royal wedding. We really enjoyed the wedding here!

  39. I never dreamed you could view Princess Diana's wedding gown. How wonderfully interesting!


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies