
Friday, December 10, 2010


 "What do you mean 'a bird is missing from the little tree' ?
I don't know anything about a missing bird."

"What bird?  I don't see any bird."

 "No bird down there either."

"Lady, I am not gonna sit here and listen to you accuse me of birdnapping.
This interview is over.  I want a lawyer."

"Looks like there are still plenty of birds on that tree.   
Why is she fussing cuz one little ol' bird is gone?"


"No, I did not attack the big Christmas tree and pull the ornaments off.  
Why that must have fallen clear across the room and scooted itself under the table."


  1. I love your cat! And what a pretty little birdy tree!

    I also like your header pictures. Of course the SBS is my favorite!

  2. Such a cute perpetrator - or should I say suspect.

  3. I want a kitty. Thank-you for the visit. Happy Jolly Winter to you.

  4. I love cats. They are funny!!!

  5. LOL....LOVED THE POST! And I'd be more than happy to take that bird nabbing cat off your hands any time! :-) Thanks for the chuckle!

  6. Oh my goodness, I am so excited to have seen your tree! So many beautiful ornaments! I had to enlarge for extras! The candy cane mice are so sweet! I must make some of these for neighbor children! Thank you so much for stopping by this evening. I wish you a joyous holiday season! Elizabeth

  7. Last year our kitty, Jingles, took down the whole tree. We woke up one morning to find it and the ornmaments all over the place. :/ Your kitty is a most unusual color and so pretty. happy day to you. Tammy

  8. Such a picture of innocence!!!
    When our dog was a puppy she used to unhook the bottom branches of our tree .... baubles and all1
    Love Kathy xxx

  9. He/she doesn't look at all guilty.

  10. Yep, looks guilty to me! Cute, but guilty:@)

  11. That's cats for you! At least it wasn't a live one!
    Kitty looked so innocent...

    Sandie xx

  12. LOVED this post. How fun. And such a good poser for your camera. Merry Christmas!

  13. This such a cute post, your friend is so adorable,I agree she needs a lawyer and quick.
    I love your bird tree, a beautiful idea. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for coming by and for taking the time to leave me a sweet note.
    Hugs, Sue

  14. LOL... too cute. My daughter, husband and their 6 kitties will be here MOnday! OH NO! What to do????? I fear the worst! But welcome them home anyway!!
    Merry Christmas!

  15. Hahaha...very cute. And is there anything such as an Innocent Cat?;))

  16. How cute is that! That kitty looks so much like our Roxie!
    Eastern Kansas isn't too bad right now! HA! Maybe we should stay! ;o)
    Today should be in the 50's again for the second day! Wow wee! Then I think we get the cold spell, huh?
    Hope you are enjoying your holiday season...everyone coming home for Christmas?

  17. Beautiful kitty...they can wreak havoc with the tree...I know firsthand!

  18. Ha ha! I love the way you have written this. My verdict? Guilty as charged!

  19. There is one of those at my place too...LOL!

  20. That little rascal is really protesting too loudly to be innocent! LOL.

    What a sweetie. Mine like to take off with small ornaments and hide them.


  21. LOL!!! Too, too funny! Great pictures, too. Loved it!

  22. Looks guilty to me! I've got one of those too and he is always denying his part in the movement of objects here at home.
    Thanks for stopping by for a visit and leading me back to you! I'm following you now too.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  23. Way, way, way tooo funny!

    Happy Sunday.


  24. I love this! I really like the little birds, sorry you lost one! My Archie is now one and is about to encounter his first Christmas tree - we're not quite sure what he'll make of the decorations at all - so far he's tried to chew fairy light bulbs so I'm not very impressed with him. But at least we don't have birds. xx

  25. I love the birds! I need some new birds for my tree. My cats, now deceased, had chewed all the feathers from my birds, and they are stumpy and frazzled.

  26. haha, looks just as guilty as my kitties do!! We finally got our tree up yesterday and one of mine keeps splashing in the water saucer underneath it!! Catherine x

  27. Your kitty is sure enjoying all the fuss and Holiday decorating her Mamma is doing,what a funny one. Thanks for the cute pictures~ Hugs, Diane

  28. Ha ha ha...I love "bad" cats! :-)

  29. Such a lovely post! (Am catching up with your blog and having fun! ;)

    Hugs, Carolien

  30. Love your kitty post...cats are so fun...always denying what they've been gettin' into lol! Gotta love 'em :)


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