
Sunday, December 5, 2010

I'll Give Them All To You To Hold

look  the spangles
that sleep all the year in a dark box
dreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,
the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,
put up your little arms
and i'll give them all to you to hold
every finger shall have its ring
and there won't be a single place dark or unhappy
then when you're quite dressed
you'll stand in the window for everyone to see
and how they'll stare!
oh but you'll be very proud

(from little tree  by ee cummings)

My tree is up and ornaments adorn every branch.  
Each one holds a special memory.

Linked to:
Show That Sapin @ My French Country Home


  1. This is beautiful!
    I was just sitting staring at my tree...and thinking that each of my ornaments hold a memory too:)
    Love this time of year. Brings out old memories and makes new:)

    Love your beautiful tree!!!
    Makes me want to come over and sip cider with you!

  2. Ohhhhhhhhh so brite and shiny. I love that poem, it is one of my favorites.

  3. Your tree is stunning! I'm going to put mine up later today!
    Love Kathy xxx

  4. Very,very pretty!
    Your tree just sparkles and glows!

  5. Your TREE is so beautiful and the poem is perfect. Loved seeing all your ornaments....especially the Santas. I've collected them for years, and love to decorate with them. Merry Christmas!

  6. What an absolutely beautiful tree! I love your little reindeers too. Thank you for sharing this lovely poem. I hope you have a wonderful week ♥

  7. Gayle, your tree is absolutely beautiful! I love all of the lights...and the ornaments are so nice. Thank you for sharing with us!

  8. Your tree looks spectacular, and I love that poem! I went very simple this year. Just a silver tree and lots of Shiny Brites. Now I miss all of the family ornaments and the big tree!
    Happy Monday!

  9. Your tree is gorgeous! I love all the designer "theme" trees I see every year, but nothing is more beautiful to me than the years of ornaments we've gathered as a family. Beautiful poem, thanks for posting it. Kat

  10. Your tree is FABulous! So bright and happy! I LOVE it! Mine is far less grand...a little pencil alpine with primitive ornies...but it's still Christmas to me!

  11. Your tree is beautiful! And thank you for the lovely poem -


  12. Your tree is so pretty. Ours is a hodge podge of memories too. I have to be careful when I'm decorating. The florist in me wants to make everything picture perfect and that is really impossible if Christmas is to have it's true meaning.

  13. Stunning. I love trees. We bought ours yesterday...mon petit bebe just stared as if to say, "that's not supposed to be in the house." Merry Christmas~

  14. We are getting our tree this weekend. You have inspired me.

  15. I'd like to sit quietly by your tree for a little while - the glow and sparkle are just perfect.

  16. That is my favorite thing about a Christmas tree, the memories the ornaments bring. Your tree is beautiful.

  17. Love your traditional tree, thank you for sharing it!!

  18. Hi Gayle,

    Your tree is so pretty...great pictures. And the poem, adorable!

    Thanks for sharing,


    p/s I LOVED the cards. THANK YOU! I had bookmarked her as a favorite on Etsy before I got the cards from I was just thrilled to receive some of her cards. They are perfect! Thank you again!

  19. Such a beautiful tree you have, the ornaments are delightful and I know must hold treasured memories for you.

  20. wow you tree is stunning!!

  21. Just wanted to stop back over and tell you that the mail carrier just stopped by with my 1cent book! I just finished reading Come By Chance...and you were so right! I DO like the book and know two little girls who will enjoy reading it in a few weeks!

  22. Your tree looks so pretty, and wonderful ornaments. I love taking each ornament from the box and remembering its origin. Love the poem. laurie

  23. Hi there! I LOVE your tree. It's gorgeous!

  24. I enjoyed reading your poem. It is a new one to me and so perfect for your post.
    Your tree looks beautiful. I just love Christmas trees that hold sweet memories.

  25. Your tree looks so pretty!! Isn't it fun to get out the ornaments and remember the story behind them!
    Yes I do go to Good JuJu the first of the month (and Liberty Belle and Bottoms Up). Do you go? If you do we should try and meet!

  26. I adore how your tree holds precious memories for you and your family at Christmas! Drop by again soon. .. the Invasion of Gingerbread isn't over yet!

  27. What a beautiful tree!
    Yes, Susan Boyle has a voice.
    The Greek restaurant is in Olathe--very east to find. If you want the specfic address let me know. It was delish.


  28. Thank you for linking up to my little tree party, I think yours is gorgeous.Wishing you a wonderful weekend
    My French COuntry Home

  29. Such a pretty and welcoming tree! And the memories... Thanks for sharing!

  30. Beautiful tree and lovely those deers beside it!
    Happy weekend, love Maaike


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies