
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Haven't Baked A Single Cookie...

I haven't baked a single cookie... 

...but my kitchen is brimming with sweets.

See post from last year for my Mom's gingerbread recipe.

(PS- We will bake when the kids come home from college.)

Part of my gingerbread collection


  1. What darling gingerbread things. So festive. I bet they will be happy to be filled with cookies.

  2. Thanks for visiting tonight and leaving your sweet comment! Like those sweets you have in your kitchen, makes me hungry for some gingerbread.

  3. Did you make those cute houses yourself??? They are great.

  4. No, I did not make the cookie jars. But I will be making cookies to fill them, soon.

  5. Gayle, your gingerbread cookie jars are beautiful! Our daughter loves to decorate with gingerbread people, as well. Thank you for the link back to your grandmother's recipe for gingerbread. I'll be using it very soon! :-)

  6. Your gingerbread pieces are adorable! So sweet...

  7. Oh, that makes me sad to think that in a few short years my own kids will be away at college and I'll have no one to bake for/with. That is neat that you're waiting for them though. Something you can still do together. I read somewhere about a mom and grown daughter that still, every single year, get together on a Saturday and bake 15 different things and then package them up together and deliver them to neighbors. That sounds like such a fun tradition to start someday with my girls...if they'll do it (gulp). Right now I'm starting to feel like they may hate me forever!

  8. Hi there, thanks for your visit. I love, love gingerbread men and I love all these darling things you have here. I loved the little guy over at your mom's wearing the sign, "Eat sugar cookies" so cute! I love your mom's recipe. I posted a quick and easy and very good recipe for them a couple of posts back, you might want to look at it too. Have a great time, it's my favorite thing to do! ;D

  9. What a wonderful gingerbread village ya'll have there. They are so very festive!!!

    You and the kiddos will have a blast bakin' and catchin' up.

    God bless ya and have an amazing day sweetie!!!

  10. I love all your sweet gingerbread decorations they are just so darn sweet. And you other cute decorations to below are darling.

  11. What a fun kitchen!!! Very festive!

  12. I love the gingerbread houses/cookie jars. Such btight and mouth watering things in your kitchen. I don't bake so no cookies in this house but we love the Swiss gingerbread that we used to get from Switzerland. Now Bill tries to cook it. You must be looking forward to the kids coming home from college and they must be looking forward to some cookies.

  13. I haven't baked either...but my daughter usually bakes up a storm!

  14. Mmm, I feel the sugar rush already! I have a cookie jar similar to your first one, mabye the same. I haven't put them out yet though. I had a young energetic cousing come get the tubs down from the attic so now I'm ready to decorate for real!Merry Christmas!

  15. LOL!!! BUt what a lot of yummy looking treats anyway!

  16. Cute little sweets in your kitchen.
    I'n not a baker but I might try to so some. I don't know.

    Have a super weekend.


  17. Love your gingerbread collection! They are so happy and fun.
    Have a truly wonderful Christmas,

  18. Love all of your little Gingerbread decorations. Have fun baking with your kids when they get home!

  19. Gingerbread Cookie that is DOUBLY good! Your home is beautiful! (And how fun to save the baking for when you are all home:))


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies