
Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Continued from yesterday...

The girls and I spent Saturday in Jamesport.  This Amish community was only 15 minutes from the Marydale Inn B&B where we stayed.    We saw many bearded men in suspenders and straw hats. Sometimes they were accompanied by their sons, miniature versions of themselves except for the beards.

There are shops all over the tiny town and outlying Amish farms.  Gift shops, vintage and antique shops, furniture stores, bakeries, creameries,  etc...

Two of the girls acting goofy!  :-)

The furniture in this store was beautiful!!!   They are the ones who made the furniture in my bedroom at the B&B.   The couple that worked in there were so friendly and had a great sense of humor.  
Drive with care on the roads because horses and buggies are as common as cars.

(this pic from the web)

Do you want to see the treasures I brought home?  

This basket (purchased at Anna's Bakery) now sits on my stairs and collects all the junk that need to be carried up.

These 4 American Fostoria plates were discovered on a bottom shelf at Iris Collectibles.  They will grace my next tea table.

I found these cornflower dishes with lids down in the basement at Gas Buggy Antiques.  (They had a whole bunch of them.)  I'm still trying to decide if they will go to my daughter or if they are staying here with me.

Embroidered dish towels featuring cute little lambs and penguins were discovered at Grandpa Freds Antiques. 

This jar full of buttons will join all the other buttons in my sewing room.   It came from Broadway Pavilion  Antique Mall.

I bought a whole bag of these fabric gingerbread ornaments at Farmhouse Collection. They will be used on gift packages at Christmas and to adorn my house.  (I decorate my kitchen in a gingerbread theme during the holidays.)

The only other things I purchased were edible and they are tucked away in the refrigerator.

But this day was filled with more than buying stuff.  I was surrounded by gorgeous scenery and wonderfully kind people.  I  was able to explore new places and new cultures.   AND  I got to spend time in the company of some of the best friends on earth!

Thank you to Hosts:
2nd Time Around-  A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words


  1. It looks like you had a wonderful time! We used to go to auctions at dairy farms in Amish country in Pennsylvania. Mr. B was there to buy Brown Swiss cows. I was there to eat the wonderful food at the auction and people watch. The children of the Amish were dressed like miniature adults and were so cute and shy.

    Thanks for your comment on Porch Days. Glad to hear you brought your children up to believe that recycling is a normal part of life. I'm proud to say that all four of our children, a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law consider them selves green enviromentalists! It makes me feel like I accomplished something.

  2. What a grand time you had - and what lovely treasures. I used to have the blue corning ware and gave it all away - and don't really miss it - so I'm glad for that anyway. Everything is wonderful that you bought.

  3. What a lovely things that you bought. And what a happy time you must have spent together!!!

  4. Oh how much fun. You have had yourself a delightful getaway...I can tell, and what good friends you must have. It all looks enviable!!! I am happy you got to have this trip and shared it with us... I have heard Amish visits are great!

  5. What a wonderful trip! I have always wanted to go to Amish country. I hope to one day..
    So for now I will enjoy your trip with you through your photo's..
    Great photo's by the way.
    I am enjoying your posts very much...
    Have a sweet day and big hugs~Elizabeth

  6. I can tell you had a delightful getaway in Amish country, with friends, and shopping.

  7. Cool! I've been there a couple of times, and love it. It's not terribly far from us.. couple of hours I think? Wonderful treasures you brought home! I'll have to back-track and read part I :) Thanks for sharing! -Tammy

  8. Not just the weather but your story and pictures make me want to go North! I hope it is cooler there.
    I like all the treasures you found. What fun!!

  9. Hello There!
    What a wonderful way to spend the day and you sure brought home some wonderful treasures. I love the Amish communities..we have one approx 15 miles from us and it's always a pleasure to see the buggies driving down the country roads and in the little town of Yoder Kansas. Thanks for stopping by today and for leaving such a nice was nice 'seeing' you again. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get over to visit your blog but I'm so glad that I did. Have a wonderful Wednesday...take care. Maura :)

  10. That is my dream to visit Amish country one day. Thank you for sharing. xoxo

  11. We will be going to Lancaster, PA in October and can't wait to visit the Amish community there again. Your treasures are beautiful. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. Patty

  12. Fantastic treasures! My mom still has her cornflower corning ware. What a fun time with your college friends. I had lunch with my two buddies on Saturday. It is so good to see them. I can only imagine how fun it must be to get away all together! So glad I popped in for a visit.

  13. That must have been fun. I've read about the Amish people but it would be interesting to visit them. I can't believe that you found some corningware dishes in an antique shop. I have some in my kitchen cupboard that I still use. I guess I am an antique myself.

  14. Wow, you had a wonderful time! I love everything you got, but especially the cute dishtowels...they are adorable. Plus it's always nice to do things with friends.
    Thanks for your nice comments on my blog too, your email isn't enabled in blogger so I can't respond to your comment by email.

  15. We used to enjoy trips to Lancaster County when we lived in Pennsylvania, and I remember that the best thing was the food I'd bring home. What a great weekend you had!

  16. Looks like you had a great trip! Love all your goodies! Were those ornaments expensive? I am thinking about making some for take homes for a Cmas party we are having!
    We have a Jamesport here on Long Island! I first thought you were there and I was thinking, oh man, I could have met you!

  17. We were in 'Amish Country' not too long ago.....Lancaster and Bird in Hand,Pennsylvania. I also got a jar of buttons, a present from my husband. I love to shop in their little stores. Take me THERE, skip the mall shopping.

  18. Looks like a great day. I love the Amish furniture store. I could spend hours there I'm sure.

  19. Love those stores in Jamesport.
    Will be looking into the Inn also.



THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies