
Friday, August 6, 2010

Daisies In The Tall Grass

A couple of weeks ago I took this photo of daisies 
growing in the tall grass along the gravel drive leading to my parents house.

The more I looked at it, the more I thought it reminded me of something. 
Daisies, tall grass, dandelions, clover....

 And then I remembered what it was...

My Vera The Mouse jigsaw puzzle!   

I just love Marjolein Bastin's artwork.

Her Vera creations are a particular favorite of mine.

I'm off for the weekend, but before I go I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your friendship, for following my Garden Of Daisies blog and for making such sweet comments on my posts.   I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  May your skies be blue, your path paved with daisies and your home filled with the smiles and laughter of family and friends.  


  1. I've always love that sweet little Vera mouse. Have a lovely weekend, and thank you for all of your sweet comments!


  2. Gayle, I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I hope you have a wonderful wonderful time this weekend with your friends. I didn't realize that you were a you still do any teaching at all in the classroom? I know I learn so much from you just by reading your blog.

    LOVE this picture of the daisies you took when you were at your parents. My wedding bouquet was of daisies.

    I am always amazed at how many of the same things you and I like! I really like Vera Mouse also...Marjolein has been a favorite of mine. I have several pieces of her wildlife...especially birds that I will one day pass on to my granddaughters. They come out every spring to enjoy. I even have a tart burner that she designed.

    Okay, dear friend, I am off to finish packing since I get to take a trip tomorrow, too! :-)

    I'm looking forward to fall (after the harvest is done) and life can get back to a slower pace so I can spend more time blogging. I miss my friends.

  3. woot! I love that puzzle. I shall have to go out and find one so that we can work on it here. SUCH fun. Thanks for sharing such a CUTE puzzle. Daisies always bring out a smile, yes???

  4. I just wanted to wish you a wonderful weekend too. I love the sentiment at the end of your post!

  5. Lovely little puzzle and aren't daisies such happy flowers!?

  6. M.B. is my very favorite artist....I have posters, cards, platters, coffee cups and books from her...and I never tire of them. My Granny grew Shasta Daisies outside her back door and she let us pick them. I have never gotten any to grow....if I did, I would look for mice in little pinafores eating strawberries!

  7. Such a sweet mouse! Have a fabulous weekend!


  8. I love MB too!
    I have the most beautiful pattern from her for a cross stitch called Four Seasons. It's to be my reward for finishing up all my works in progress.

  9. Have a great time whatever you do. I love this artist--she has such sweet characters.


  10. I love her art too. It's so whimsical, it makes you feel like a kid again :) I hope you have a good weekend too.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing the photograph from your parents and the artwork from the book. Makes me take a sigh and breathe. It is a good world!

  12. What beautiful images and a lovely puzzle.

  13. what a cute puzzle......I love daisies too...always have.

  14. What a very cute puzzle...I would love to work on that one. Hugs for a great new week my friend. xoxox

  15. I am not sure if I knew the name of the mouse but I have seen pictures and you are right, so cute.

  16. My daughter had a favorite childhood book about a little mouse family. The illustrations were so beautiful and they remind me of your puzzle. I wonder if it is the same artist? Thank you for stopping by and being a follower. I am so pleased to meet such nice people through blogging and wish that they all lived close by to actually visit. So I guess our visits will be through are blogs instead. At least here I can stroll through the daisies. Thanks.

  17. Ah, a fellow Marjolein Bastin admirer. I love her work, too! How pretty the field of daisies is and it does resemble the puzzle box cover. I love her Naturebook line, too.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies