
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

U Is For Undies

The following post is rated U,  for undressed.

U is for for undies.

Slips, crinolines, corsets, girdles, petticoats, pantalets, underpants, undershirts, skivvies, camisoles, teddies, garters, briefs, boxers, bloomers, spanks, knickers, etc...

Joan and Betty

Freezy Sliddle  and Florence Niddle

The Victorian Mousie Sisters

Holly Hobbie

Scarlett O'Hara

Harry, Bess and Margaret Truman

Swedish boy and girl

The Carnation Girl

Madame Alexander Brunette

Irish dancing girl

Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret

Texas pioneer woman

Mary Engelbreit's Ann Estelle

(Only part of the paperdoll collection.  Some of these are mine and some belong to my daughter.)

Linking to Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday- letter U.


  1. What a charming entry....I had to giggle at the Trumans..still giggling. I have loved paper dolls since I was, too, a wee one. I love the Mary's collection...I sadly miss the Victoria Magazine.
    Thanks for the memories

  2. OH SO CUTE! I loved this post.
    I had fun remembering some of these. YIKES I didn't know about the Trumans.... was that proper???!!
    Thanks for the Rated U post . FUN! Hugs :-)

  3. Cute! I wonder if the Trumans would have been elected if THIS would have gotten out!

    Hee Hee!

  4. I remenber playing with paper dolls when I was little. Still love to look at them when I see them. I'm with Dar--giggling about the Trumans. Since I grew up in
    Independence, MO


  5. Ohhh I love these - I just love paper dolls.

  6. This is far out! I can see myself collecting these...the paper dolls cutouts that is...:-) Peace and blessings

  7. These are adorable. I love the Victorian Mice - they are precious. And the Truman family just makes me laugh. Can you imagine? Fun post. Kathy

  8. How fun! I like the Mouse Sisters best.

  9. Those paper dolls are so adorable and you have such a great collection! I really like how you have such a wide range of dolls. I almost wrote about undies!

  10. Oh...I think we have the Ann Estelle:) I love this super detailed post!! WOW so many awesome vintage prints:) The Trumans modest poses are LOL and the Carnation girl is hot! Super post!

  11. Wow, this was a great collection of undies ;-). Loved it. Great u post.

  12. I loved paper dolls as a child! I had the Besty McCall dolls from McCalls Magazine. My daughter liked the ME dolls from her Home Companion Magazine.

    I wonder if all the presidents have paper dolls posed in their underwear? lol!

  13. Oh my sister and I would play paper dolls for hours. What lovely memories you have unleashed!

    Thanks so much for your visit to my blog. You are such a sweet friend!

    Hugs, Carrie

  14. Those are adorable! My sister gave me a Katleen Irish paper doll book. So cute!

  15. Love it! Can't wait to see what I'll find at the Kansas City Paper Doll Convention July 1.

  16. I LOVE your paper dolls! You have a wonderful collection!

  17. I'm just glad we don't have to wear those bloomin' things anymore. Then they're cute.

  18. Adorable!!! What a wonderful collection you have!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

  19. what a wonderful U post ... i just adore the paper dolls and all of them in their skivies!!! very cool!

  20. What a fabulous collection you and your daughter have amassed.
    The English Princesses are priceless.

  21. They have more clothes on in their underthings than the average teenager wheres fully dressed now.

  22. I grew up with paper dolls, so these spoke to me!

    But Harry, Bess and Margaret Truman as paper dolls were sooooo funny!

  23. I remember playing with dolls like these. My favorite was the bride paper doll I got when I was in second greade.

    Really fun post!

  24. What a wonderful collection of paper dolls~ Poor Harry Truman has no dignity :-)

  25. What a fun post, Gayle! Your paper doll collection is wonderful. Would love to see some more!

  26. Especially love the Mousie sisters!

    Wishing you a Happy Alphabe-Thursday!


    PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can join me!

  27. lovely collection of paper dolls
    the Truman series made me smile

    and your blue tea set below is so beautiful

  28. I remember paper dolls, though I've not seen any of these

    thanks for your visit

  29. Paper dolls rock! In my house we would say 'ginch' and gaunch. My friend called them gich and gauch. It was so wierd.

  30. Great post. I never thought I would see Harry Truman in his undies!

  31. My sister and I spent HOURS playing with paper dolls when we were children. Love this entry for the letter 'U'. Well done!


  32. Your "U's" are wonderful! Bess and Harry ... too funny!!

    Susan and Bentley

  33. What a wonderful collection of pictures! I'm totally into bloomers lately and think they look so cute peeking out under a skirt or dress.

  34. When I saw the little peek on another blog I just had to jump over and take a look at your paper dolls...I love them! I remember the Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret set but I never saw Harry Truman in his underwear before-gave me a big chuckle! Thanks for sharing these today. I'm glad I came to visit!

  35. Oops-I forgot to mention...please stop at my blog if you can (before June 12) I have a giveaway for my followers and one of the prizes is a book about paper dolls you might like. Please sign up for a chance to win.
    Thanks again..

  36. paper dolls were soooo fun to play with! truman paper dolls- how funny. do you think there will ever be obama paper dolls? have a great day!

  37. What a clever and fun post! I love that you shared this collection of your daughters and yours with us!

    I didn't know about the Trumans either...thanks for sharing that chuckle with us!

    I really enjoyed my stop here today on my little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "U"!

    Thanks for helping make this meme unbelievably neat!


  38. That post made me smile! I remember having some of those as a kid!!

  39. What a great post! I think I'll print it and then I can show my volunteers an example of being dressed enough for work - they often come in with much, much less on!

  40. I always look forward to your posts..they are just so cute!

    I loved paper dolls when I was little. Yours make me smile...

  41. This is so adorable, and brought back so many wonderful memories for me, thanks for sharing. Thank you for visiting and for taking the time to leave me such a sweet comment.

  42. I am totally and completely jealous. That was so fun. I loved Paper Dolls when I was little but don't have any of them - and my girls...well I have tired but they aren't into them! My oldest likes to sew clothes for big dolls though - to each their own I suppose!

  43. Gayle, I am so sorry for your loss. It is a hard time...will continue to pray.

    Love and hugs,

  44. I had forgotten all about paper dolls until you jogged my memory with this charming post.

  45. I remember having paper dolls as a child - would spend ages dressing an Undressing them! Great post

  46. I haven't seen paper dolls forever! Thanks for the memories. Thanks for stoppping by Applejack Lane!

  47. My favourite thing as a girl was dress-up dolls with their little fold-over paper tabs - how this brings back memories. xx

  48. How cute was this? I love this post...such cute pictures too. Thank goodness undies have changed!

  49. AWESOME, AWESOME, and did I say awesome?!! I used to love my paper dolls, and am quite mad at both myself and my mom for getting rid of my collection as a kid. I had all those great sets that came in a folder/book with pockets. I must have had 20 if I had one. Thanks for the memory. I remember having a thumbelina set, a barbie set or 2, and not sure of all the others.

    Do you remember when the McCalls magazine used to put the doll in every issues with at least one outfit? I used to collect those also.

  50. Oh paper charming, and what fond memories they hold. Yours look to be in such good condition.

  51. beautiful collections of undies..
    very thoughtful post!

  52. these are so precious!
    Love vintage art.. i have freebie image .. hope you like!

  53. if breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then underwear is certainly the most important item of clothing! darling paper dolls...what a lovely collection you have...and your daughter too.

  54. What an adorable collection. How funny are the Truman paper dolls!!
    xo, Sherry

  55. Wow, they are lovely. When i was young.... I also had a paperdoll with many clothes, so cute......

  56. OOOH! Can I play with your paper dolls? I love paper dolls and would even make my own when I was little. I love your collection! (Hm...the Truman ones are certainly unique!) Never would have thought or expected them.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  57. So fun to know there are still some Paper Dolls around...and in their UNDIES! Fun U post..

  58. I love paper dolls....these are so fun...I love the Trumans and Margaret and have quite the collection!

  59. Loved looking at the paper dolls. I always had paper dolls when I was a little girl! Wish I still had mine!

    Thanks for stopping by my place recently! Hope you will visit again! :) You mentioned you like my music and that made me happy-Love meeting ppl who enjoy the music that I do- especially Dan Fogelberg!!


  60. I love paper dolls, and you have such a fabulous collection. I'm going to have to go back and look at all of them again! I'm like everybody else, the Truman family cracked me up! laurie

  61. Unbelievably adorable post! I have 2 little girls who would love your collection. They spent much of last week playing with Betsy McCall paper dolls that I printed for them.
    so cute!

  62. Oh I love love love your paperdolls!!! I used to collect them and then stopped when I started having children. I need to find them and pull them out so my girls can see them. I had some of the same ones you have! What fun to see them!!

  63. What a wonderful variety of paper dolls! I love them all! ♥

  64. I love these!! The Trumans look very modest!!


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies