
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Home From the Farmers Market

I'm home from the farmers market with blueberries, chamomile, wildflowers and an apple pie.  What a perfect way to spend the morning.


  1. Oh, my This pie looks delicious! My favorite!

  2. how fun they sell pie, i think i need to check out mine, all i ever see is uncooked things!

  3. I'll take a big chunk of that apple pie please and would you put some ice cream on top????? LOL


  4. Yum! My favorite place to shop, I wish they held ours more than once a week. I'd go every other day if I could, there is nothing better than farm fresh produce. That pie looks wonderful! We don't have anyone selling pie, but there is an incredible bread baker who comes every week. Kathy

  5. Oh what a beautiful way to spend your Saturday! oxox, Diane

  6. I LOVE Farmer's Market and faithfully attend every Saturday during the season. This mornings haul was some baby pitty pan squash and some herbs.

    Your pie and other goodies look wonderful :)


  7. Love your wild flowers in the vase, and I'm drooling over that pie. You created a charming vignette with your Farmers Mkt. purchases. laurie

  8. Can't think of a better way to spend a morning - pie looks delicious - are you sharing?

  9. Okay I'll have a piece of the pie but no ice cream I have to watch my cholesterol.

  10. I love Farmers Markets!
    You got one great looking pie there!

  11. I love the farmers market! I havent seen pies but if I do, I am going to get one!

  12. Yum! Oh that pie looks delicious!

  13. The pie looks great! I'm known as the Pie Lady at community suppers; maybe I should make some for the farmers' market.
    Yesterday I made blueberry jam and this morning it was delish on fresh cat head biscuits with butter.

  14. Looks yummy and the flowers are beautiful!

    Happy Sunday.


  15. i want a slice, please....heated with a small serving of vAnilla icecream on the side!

    what a great really is a heartwarming shot! and a lovely way to spend an evening too! ehhee

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  16. Oh my friend...I do agree..perfect in everyway. Now I really would like a slice of that pie!!!! xo

  17. That pie looks good! My husband's favorite kind. Do you use the chamomile for tea? We do.

  18. If I could find a pie like that at a farmers' market I'd never roll pastry again!

  19. I love Farmers Markets! The pie looks wonderful!

  20. I love all the wonderful things I find in our farmers market. What a treat to buy an apple pie.

  21. One of my favorite ways to spend the morning, too! My hubby came home with homemade ice cream from the produce store today! YUMO! ♥

  22. I've just come back to answer the question you asked on my blog....and to look at that pie again!
    Last weekend we stayed in Everett but were also in Mill Creek and Lynwood. Today I'm back on the mainland for work and popped down to Lyndon and Bellingham at the end of the day. I love this part of your country and mine - so green and lush.

  23. Oh does that ever sound delightful. Is there any still left? :)

  24. Hey Gayle, thanks so much for dropping by and for the belated birthday wishes. It was a lovely day and yes, I did feel very spoilt indeed. My boys have been based in New York and travelling around a bit to Pittsubrgh, Burlington, West Virginia somewhere and into Canada, but it's time to come home now.
    Looking forward to a big hug from No 1 son.
    What a wonderful farmers market you have nearby. That pie, mmmmmmmmmmmm, looks absolutely delish. It certainly was a perfect way to spend a morning

  25. you are invited to follow my blog

  26. Hi! I've been eatting a lot of blueberries, too! I hope that you are keeping cool. Thank you for thinking of me. Have a wonderful day! Twyla

  27. That apple pie looks yummy. Did it taste as good as it looks?

  28. I love when the markets sell baked goods! Your pie looks yummy. It's also neat that they sell herbs. Our Farmer's Market is open on Wednesday~you just reminded me to make a stop there!


  29. Yum! You are making me very hungry and I'm going to check out our local Farmer's Market next Saturday. I've not gone to a Farmer's Market yet.

  30. I want a piece of that pie? Are you a pie baker? I am and I think that pies are much harder to make than cakes! Glad you had a good time at the farmers market!

  31. Oh, so delish! I HAVE to get to my local farmer's market now!

    By the way, I can't find your email to send you a link to my new blog?

  32. I always enjoy my visits to our state farmers market, thanks for sharing your visit. And thank you for visiting me and for taking the time to comment.

  33. That is quite possibly the most luscious looking apple pie I've ever seen! What a wonderful morning, indeed!

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. Blessings!

  34. Lucky you -- I love farmer's markets! Sad to say, we don't have one nearby here in the East, but the one I used to go to out West was wonderful. There was a man who sold homegrown peaches and home made (by him) pecan pies which were soooo delicious.


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies