
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Everything is coming up roses...

Everything is coming up roses...

...And poppies...

...and daylilies...

...and petunias...

...and pelargoniums...


It is beginning to look a lot like summer!


  1. that was so colourful, so fun! thanks for sharing...i can almost smell the wonderful scents that must spring from those florals!

    come have tea with me today!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  2. Everything is green here in my garden, some buds but mainly leaves and shoots! Your flowers are just lovely, thank you for reminding me of what's (hopefully) coming soon! xx

  3. Your garden is gorgeous! I can't wait to see more this summer.

  4. Oooo pretty. Our weather is still chilly and rainy - I want some pretty flowers.

  5. Beautiful Flowers! I can smell them from here!

  6. Your flowers are beautiful, Gayle! I love all the different shades of pink.

    A lot of the work I've been doing in my flower beds has been planting annuals (and a few perennials). When the annuals actually bloom, I'll post a few pictures, too.

    Hope you have a wonderful remainder of the week.

  7. Beautiful! Good to see you.


  8. Those are some beautiful flowers !! WOW!! I love the colors...Tell me more about the salmon Per_______ flower!! New to me!!!

  9. What a beautiful look at Summer! Today is the second day of Winter here and brrrrrr....I'm feeling the cold! Your garden must be stunning...look forward to seeing more :)

  10. Just wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting with me a bit. I'm sorry to hear about your MIL. I will be praying for her.

  11. BEAUTIFUL!! I hope Heaven is filled with such beauties! :-)

  12. Great flowers, I also love, love all the flowers in my garden.

  13. Pretty, pretty flowers, and what a cute way to present them. laurie

  14. Hello Gayle,

    I am catching up with your blog since I had computer problems for awhile. Your flowers looks so lovely, I love it that summer is on its way!

    Bue & hugs, Carolien


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies