
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Q Is For Queen Elizabeth II and Queijadinhos

It's Alphabe-Thursday at Jenny Matlock's!!  This is Q week.
I'm also linking to Vintage Thingie Thursday.  There are a lot of fun posts at both locations!!

Q is for Queen Elizabeth II.
(this photo is from the web)

When I was a young girl I lived in Canada.   I grew up singing "God Save The Queen" at school.  Coronation Day was also my birthday.  She was MY Queen.   I was too young to know about  borders between countries, or to understand that I was actually American and not Canadian.

I did figure it all out by about 4th grade.   But  I don't think I will ever stop thinking of her as my Queen.   How I wish I could really meet her.

I recently started searching for Queen Elizabeth memorabilia to collect.   At this time it is still a very small collection, but one that will grow.

A picture of the whole family- King George and his wife Elizabeth, with their girls, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. 

Another tin with pictures of then Princess Elizabeth and her father King George VI.

A pin dish to commemorate Queen Elizabeth's coronation.  

Q is also for Queijadinhos.  (pronounced kay-shaw-JEAN-yohs)
The direct translation is "little cheese".  They are a little Brazilian treat made with coconut, similar to a macaroon.  But they also have parmesan cheese in them, which is where the name comes from.   Our family moved from Canada to Brazil, and I spent a large number of my childhood/teen years there.  So these have been a family birthday and holiday favorite for many, many years and I want to share the recipe with you.


2 cups of coconut
1 egg
1 tablespoon flour
2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 tablespoon butter.

Mix everything together.
Spoon into mini muffin tin, lined with paper liners.
Bake in 350 oven for about 10 minutes, until just barely tinged with a bit of color on top.

(They are delicious!!  They do stick to the paper liners a bit and  if you are like me, you will find yourself licking the paper liners out to get all those bits of yumminess.  Good thing the Queen is not watching!)

Added May 13: I have had several comments where people have expressed a concern about the cheese ingredient and needing to be "brave" to try these.  Folks, you do not need to be brave.  Do you like cheesecake?  Do you like cheese danish?  Then you will like these too.  There is just an extra rich flavor to these with that little bit of cheese in the recipe.    Please let me know if you do try them.  They really are delicious!


  1. wow what a neat Q post...
    And I have never heard of such an interesting combination in a recipe...I will definitely have to try it, because it sounds SOOO easy though very hard to pronounce! Thanks for sharing them!!

  2. Cool Queen Elizabeth memorabilia. i enjoyed getting to see it.

  3. We have a bit of a soft spot for the queen over here too!

    Your recipe looks delicious too. I will learn how to pronounce it before I make it nonetheless!

    Best wishes,

  4. What a nice little collection you have started. I never heard of the other Q food. Looks very tasty though.

  5. I really like your Queen collection. Great items!

  6. Great memorabilia! Beautiful collection
    Happy VTT!

  7. What a yummy sounding recipe! Very nice Queen memorabilia collection you've got started!

  8. Oh I love your Queen Lizzy collection!

  9. Your Queen Elizabeth collection is off to a wonderful start. Your Queijadinhos recipe sounds really interesting.

  10. i LOVE your vintage tins!

    btw the recipe sound very tanalizing :)

  11. You have a great start to a collection there.

  12. Great Q post, I have a Coronation Mug that was given to children in the UK to celebrate, but no other memorabilia from the Royal Family.
    The little cheesy thingies look delish.

  13. I chose Queen also, but a different Queen entirely :) I hoped someone would do a post on Queen Elizabeth, I've always wanted to meet her. And those little confections sound wonderful. Great post! Kathy

  14. I LOVE all your Queen memorabilia! And the Queijadinhos look so good~ thanks for sharing the recipe :-)


  15. Hello Gayle,

    You collected beautiful 'Queen's things', lovely! I like that picture of the queen too. Last October we visited Windsor Castle and then you wonder what kind of life the royalties are really used too ... I would feel very uncomfortable in those enormous palaces!

    Have a nice day & hugs, Carolien

  16. Cool Q post! Thanks for sharing :)

  17. Hi, I love the your Queen Elizabeth tin and ring dish. Very pretty! Hope you didn't get hit too hard by recent storms. We've just lots of rain, thankfully.

  18. Such a great post...I love the tins and that wonderful ring dish. I am anxious to try the recipe...sounds so unusual. Peace and blessings

  19. "Queen" is an excellernt Q-word. Nice tribute to Elizabeth II. I don't have any memorabilia, but that is because I don't have access to it where I live. (We have a queen of our own to remember too.) But I like Queen Elizabeth.
    The Queijadinhos cheese dish sounds yummy. All in all, a great Q-post!
    Best wishes,

  20. Now that is vintage! Copied the recipe and will try it soon. Started reading the previous post and am now a follower. Love the antique store trip! Such fun!

  21. Beautiful tins and a really informative Q post. I am definatley going to try the receipe. Happy VTT

  22. The Queen is almost exactly the same age as my mother, so I always see her as vaguely motherly.
    Where in Canada did you live, as a child?

  23. Oh these tins are just wonderful!

    My duaghter did meet the Queen! (On a reception line but the Queen did speak to her! :)

  24. I like all of your vintage tins.
    The treat sounds unusually good and pretty simple to prepare. I'll have to try this for sure. I love both coconut and parmesan but would never have thought of them together. Can't wait to make them! Thank you for sharing your recipe!

  25. She's not my queen either, but I have always loved her. Great vintage pieces!

    Susan and Bentley

  26. Queen E is just fabulous..
    lovely collections...
    pleasure to know you...
    Mine is here
    Happy Sensational Thursday!

  27. my middle name is elizabeth after the queen :D

    cool post :D

  28. My Mom was a big fan of the Royal family. My Mom passes away in 2006. But growing up,although in South Carolina,she had many scrapbooks on the Royal family. I had only seen the books a couple times. My cousins who are much older than me said my Mom would let them take the scrapbooks to school for their history project. They said those books mde them the envy of all and made them feel like they were part of the Royal family. I don't know what my dad did with the scrapbooks. Sadly he & i aren't in touch. Your post brought back great memories of my Mom talking about the Royal family.

  29. Awww, I l-o-v-e your Royal Family et al tins. She is your Queen. She's mine, too, even though I'm all-American ;) I just love her - she seems to always know how to be, cool, calm collected...she looks so cheery in this picture. She reminds me of my mom (who passed away 15 yrs ago), so I think that's another reason I like her so much. But, those tins of yours are super-special. I like your Tetley tea tin, too.
    Did i mention I was named for my grandmothers and the Queens?....Mary and Elizabeth ;) So, I definitely feel the ties.
    Great post.

  30. I really loved the Queen Mother and have a beautiful framed painting of her I bought some years back. I am old enough to have seen Queen Elizabeth's Cornation on black and white TV. That recipe is really an odd combination isn't it. One would really just have to try it out and see how it works. Take Care Nan

  31. What a lovely recipe, cheese and coconut.... I'll try

  32. That recipe looks fascinating, thank you for sharing it. I love coconut so think I must give it a try soon, I had to buy a bigger pair of jeans today though so perhaps now is not the best time! xx

  33. She's such a lovely,elegant queen.. and I love her hat in this picture.\I think she's just beautiful. Happy VTT..

  34. Queijadinhos sound wonderful. I love the cheese and milk combo.

  35. wonderful post, and what an unusual recipe...I can wait to try this and I am going to make them.....lovely idea to include a recipe with this post!! Have a great VTT

  36. That was a perfect Q post. Lovely collection of Queen memorabilia. And the recipe looks very interesting.

  37. Oh my gosh, what wonderful treasures you have!

    And thank you so much for sharing the recipe with us! I'd never heard of it before, so fun to hear about celebration foods in other countries.

    Happy VTT!

  38. What a lovely sentiment to remember the Queen. Sweet recipe too...several of those should fit nicely in your charming tins.

  39. Great post! It is hard to not like QEII. She is such a neat lady. We raise corgi dogs and have always called them Queeny Dogs because of QEII having them also.


  40. Wonderful post! Thank you for the recipe. These look so festive. It's one I will be sure to try. I love thinking of the Queen too. I think it's so romantic. Could you just imagine what it would be like to live in a castle.

  41. Hi, i was wondering if you could email me your address i have a little 'Queen Elizabeth gift' i would like you to have for your collection :) xx

  42. What a wonderful post! I've never even heard of your recipe! But I would very much like to try it. I suspect the salty parmesan just balances out the sweet, right?

    And your memorabilia is so interesting including that quaint tin.

    Thanks for such a good stop this week on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "Q"!


  43. Lovely pictures - I'm not brave enough to try the recipe! Happy VTT.

  44. I, too, admire the Queen, and think her style of dressing is perfect for her. The tea tin is charming.
    This recipe sounds delicious.

  45. This is a delightful post. The picture you have of Queen Elizabeth II is lovely and your collection is very special. I would love to see more of it and hope you continue to find great treasures. The Queijadinhos (new to me) look yummy too. How can you go wrong with coconut and sweetened condensed milk. Thank you for this wonderful stop along the alphabet way.

  46. Oh! They are so pretty! Bet they are delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe. laurie

  47. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of our times. She has weathered a lot of storms always looking perfect, in her lovely little (and not so little)hats.
    Great post!

  48. great collection and awesome recipe...i really enjoyed your post!

  49. Oh I have missed several posts here at your delightful little blog! I love your queen collection and your trip to the antique mall looks like so much fun! You too are adorable. I enjoyed catching up tonight.

    Oh and I have got to try your Q dish. Although I'll have to practice saying it several times before I serve it!

  50. I think your budding collection of Queen Elizabeth items is oh so special. Lovely post for Q, and the recipe looks interesting. Thanks for sharing it.

  51. I'm gonna try your recipe! The Tetley tea tin is really unique, also enjoyed the Queen memorabilia.

  52. Just read your comment about the Solar System! LOVE that idea! Hmmmm - wheels are turning for next year.....


  53. What a beautiful Q post. It was really neat to see what we all came up with this most challenging week. I grew up in Buffalo NY and Canada was a stones throw away. What a beautiful Country, and I have such fond memories of our visits there. Have a great weekend, I appreciate your input on my Q post, it was really great to hear.

  54. hey. thanks for reading picky and leaving it some love. i'm sure qwest stadium is loud, but i find it hard to believe it could beat kyle field.

  55. Great post and thanks for visiting my blog. I didn't know what an Orrery was until quite recently either :)
    On Maundy Thursday, Queen Elizabeth came to Derby Cathedral to distribute the Maundy money. She selects a different cathedral each year. I would love to have gone, but had to be at work :(

  56. I love your Queen Elizabeth collection! Our daughter is names Elizabeth, so I thought it was kind of cool to collect some QE things. Now that she's 21, she doesn't care at all about it!
    Happy VTT!

  57. Quite the recipe! I thought I would find Quark in your post..:)

  58. I've never heard of Queijadinhos before. How did you learn of them? It's always fun to learn about something new. Thanks...have a great weekend.

  59. LOVE the Q post. Those old tins you have are fabulous! Charlene

  60. That is an interesting collection. I bet there aren't a ton of thing to find out there so it makes it an even better collection

  61. It's so much fun to collect items that can ignite fond memories. Your collection may be small now, but the items are lovely.

    Thanks for visiting the cottage and commenting. There are eight more days for the giveaway, so be sure to visit again.

    Have a fabulous weekend!
    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  62. they sound great and the cheese doesnt throw me at all...I will have to try them....
    my last name is Cornish and my great grandparents are from England...They have since passed away along with my grandparents but when the queen had her coronationg, my grandfather was hand delivered an invitation...My aunt has it now.....funny huh?

  63. Thank's for stopping by our blog. Have a good Saturday. Oh yes That is a great collection of tins and Queen memborilla? Sorr if I didnt spell it right....Julian

  64. Nice collection. And that recipe looks really good. I'm not scared of cheese! I am a cheese lover. Cheese goes with anything!

  65. Today is The Actual Baby Shower
    come by to Visit the Live Stream link
    it's Simple and can be loads of fun!
    Breezy will be thrilled!
    Now Let's Get This Party Started!
    Hugs, Diane

  66. Hi! I haven't been by for a while, so I really have to get caught up with your happenings! I too could love to meet Queen Elizabeth one day...your collectables are lovely. I shall be trying your recipe as I love coconut and cheese!

  67. uniQue and interesting connection with the Queen.

  68. Enjoyed reading your Q post! Thanks for sharing the recipe! blessings,Kathleen

  69. I love the Royal Family! Your post is so interesting and the items beautiful. I think the recipe sounds yummy!

  70. Oh I adore the royal family!

    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. I am truly blessed because of it.

  71. Thanks for your visit to my blog and the kind words! I liked this post and want to try your recipe! Looks good to me :D

  72. Oh yes, you've just got to admire the queen, don't you? She's so steadfast and kind of dependable I guess you'd say -- none of that foolishness like her kids ;-).
    And the recipe sounds so good! I imagine that little bit of salty makes them extra special delicious.

  73. Hey Gayle, thanks for dropping by and saying 'hi' How nice to have your son home for the summer, is it warming up yet? My 'boys' are in New York at the moment and it was colder there than here, bit of a shock for them.
    Amazing what a year away from home can do, you see things in a whole different light.

    I love cheese cake and am keen to try your Brazilian treat, particularly if it has been a favourite for so long.

    My mum once bought me two beautiful Coronation Sussex chickens, which I believe were bred specifically for the Queens coronation. They are lovely birds, so I called one Queen ELizabeth and the other, you guessed it Princess Margaret.

  74. I'm lovin' your Q post! I would not think twice about addin' the cheese to these. They sound great and I crave cheesecake for heaven's sake!

    You have some very neat queen collectibles girl.

    God bless ya and have a fun filled day!!!

  75. What a fun post!!! I do love the Queen. xxoo..hugs for a great week.

  76. I've always liked Queen Elizabeth, and your collectible tins with her early photos on them are so unusual and enchanting.

    Your recipe sounds good and so easy to make! My husband does not coconut or else I definitely try them.

  77. I love your memorabilia of the Queen. Cool stuff!

  78. It's a very Nice start for a Beautiful Collection!
    Thanks for stopping by my place!

  79. I just love the idea of a Royal Family -- So quaint and magical. Your memorabilia is quite neat. The tins are especially exciting.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. It's always nice to meet new blogging friends!


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies