
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Polish Pottery Cheese Ladies

Today I'm joining Laurie for Favorite Things Saturday.

I love Polish Pottery Cheese Ladies.  Aren't they cute?   I love the hands on their hips and their facial expressions!  They are hand painted with little stamps.  Many traditional and contemporary designs exist.

They are called cheese ladies because traditionally they were used to store cheese.   But these days they are used for all sorts of things.   You can keep a whole stack of pancakes warm in a big one.   Or keep fresh baked cookies warm until your kids get home from school.   The smaller ones can be used for a few pats of butter or lemon slices for your tea. Or to hide your scrubby pad on your kitchen sink.

This one looks surprised,  like someone just goosed her rump.

This one looks like she is saying "Don't sass me young lady or you'll be grounded!"  (Not that I know anything about saying things like that.)

The plate underneath is always decorated to match.

You can find cheese ladies and other  beautiful Polish pottery pieces for sale at  Euro Pottery, one of my favorite shops in Leavenworth, KS. 
  (these two photos were from Euro Pottery website)


  1. I really like those cheese ladies, i've never heard of them before. Hope you are having a lovely weekend xx

  2. I love your cheese ladies! I collect Polish pottery too and love them, in fact, I had bought so much that I am running out of storage space that I started selling some on Ebay, lol. They are great though and I love how you can bake, serve and store in them.....Christine

  3. Are you the one who wrote me that my embroidered kitchen doll I made was a Polish Cheese lady? Yours are beautiful!

  4. They're very cute, I've never seen them before! Have a nice weekend.

  5. NO! No! They are not cute, Linda repeat they are not cute...SIGH...not gonna work...those are adorable and now I want one!! REALLY want one. I don't need one mind you but I WANT one. Just one really I promise not to collect them just one, I promise (fingers crossed)
    whoops. :)


  6. Very, very cute! I like the idea of having one for the scrubby pad by the kitchen sink. Cheese never lasts long enough to bother covering it!

  7. Where have I been? I've never seen these cute cheese gals or known that there was a Polish Pottery Category! And was is really bad about not knowing is that I am of Polish decent. How did my Grandma Minnie not tell me about Polish Pottery? Thanks for sharing....your collection is really wonderful, and like Linda from AlaCarte, I'll be talking really hard to myself to keep from getting into one more thing to collect....Sue

  8. Cute, cute, cute! I've never seen these before. I love the idea about hiding the scrubbies by the sink.

  9. I am like Sue...had never seen them before. They are adorable. I will be looking for a large one to keep the pancakes warm on weekends.

  10. Polish pottery is so unique...
    Your cheese ladies are too!
    The pottery place looks like big fun,
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

    Happy weekend!

  11. I wanna cheese lady!!

    Those are adorable! I would have to look for the perfect facial expression, so I guess I am coming to Kansas sometime this summer!

  12. I have never heard of these, but they are super cute!

  13. Oh how cute! I've never seen these, but now I want at least one! I love them. Your descriptions of their expressions were so fun! Thank you so much for joining Favorite Things. laurie

  14. I am new to your blog! I love Polish Pottery. I just love that feels good to look at that bright beautiful blue. Does that make sense?

    have a great weekend!!!

  15. I have never seen those Polish Cheese Ladies..I have seen some cheesey ladies though! :)
    They are so cute, and I love the idea of keeping the pancakes warm..
    Now I will have to get one!
    I have seen lots of Polish pottery but never one of those cute gals!
    Too pretty for a scrubby pad!

  16. TOO cute! Love the one who looks goosed...funny!

  17. How can I be married into a big Polish family for 30 years and never hear of the Cheese Ladies? Probably for the same reason Pondside said: Cheese never lasts long enough to need a cover. I love them!

  18. Your cheese ladies are precious! I've a small bowl in this type of pottery, but I think your cheese ladies have such character. I was laughing at your descriptions of their expressions. I also like your ideas of using these to keep pancakes warm, etc. Clever! I may just have to find one of these ladies to come live here at HFTS.

  19. I must be living under a rock cuz I have never heard of Polish Pottery let alone a Polish Pottery Cheese Lady, but I have to say these little ladies are adorable! The colors are so vibrant and can put a smile on a girl :) Thanks for bringing them to our attention.

  20. Cheese Ladies, well that's a new one for me too. I love them, charming as ever and so useful. I need to watch for these lovely gals.

  21. How adoarable! I have never seen any of these before and I just love the little shop! blessings,Kathleen

  22. What darling little ladies. Oh I would love to have one, and they would look so pretty on my table. I'm sure your family is delighted to see this pottery come out... then they know something good hides underneath. Thank you for visiting. I am so happy to meet you.

  23. OOOOH! I love polish pottery! I even painted my hubby a travel mug at a local pottery painting look like polish pottery. :o) It is on one of my past posts.

    Oh I would love to find the cupcake ones and also the goblets like Christine has shown on one of her posts...If you come across any like that, would you "pu-leeze" let me know? (

    Blessings & Aloha!

  24. How fabulous are they! I've never heard of them before but am definitely going to look out for them in the future. i hope you are having a great weekend.

  25. I have had such fun reading your past posts! I did not know about cheese ladies - they are wonderful! Your purple post was so beautiful, and I am still laughing over crocheting backwards! I didn't know that was possible! Too funny! Also funny, I just found your comment about liking me in my majorette costume! It is a found photograph on flickr! I don't think majorettes looked like that in the 1970's, my childhood years! I know, I sound old in my posts, I'm an old soul! Giggling still, Elizabeth

  26. That is so interesting I have never seen or heard of them before. Always learning things by blogging.

  27. These are so cute! My dad was a big antique chocolate pot collector and so I'm always interested to see new kinds of pottery/glassware that's out there. I love the one who looks surprised.

  28. I have always admired Polish pottery but have managed to resist starting to purchase yet another type of dishes. But these cheese ladies...which I never saw before..may have just pushed me into a whole new world!

  29. Those are really cute! Love the colors of the polish pottery, so vibrant.

  30. Thanks for coming by again. I go crazy over Polish pottery, I just love them, they have so many beautiful designs and they are so practical. I love your collection too. Did you go this far? Check this out.

  31. They are great, new to me, and as you say they have endless uses.

  32. I am familiar with Polish Pottery, but had never seen these cheese ladies before. They are cute. The shop you go to looks like a wonderful place.

    Thanks for your recent comment on my picnic baskets. To answer your question, I first sprayed them with a coat of primer just to be sure the paint would cover well.

    Enjoy your day.

  33. Hello, Gayle. Thank you for introducing me to Polish Pottery Cheese Ladies! I love Polish pottery. I don't know if you have ever visited with Julie (From Greer to Here) or not. She's on my blog roll...anyway her husband is a Black Hawk helicopter pilot and they are currently stationed in Germany. She has a very nice collection of Polish Pottery.

    Thanks for sharing yours with us!

  34. Thanks for visiting were no reply so I came this way...I am off to look at your friends cross stitch blog!

  35. Very cute! I'll have to check that store out when I'm in Leavenworth-since it's not too far from where I live.


  36. have no email contact on your profile & I cannot reply to the comments you leave on my blog as they come marked as no reply ie no email address.So I had to come via your comments as I can't contact you privately. If you go to she has directions to change from no reply to receiving replies. Then we can email to & fro!

  37. I'm a new one to the Polish pottery so thanks for sharing something new. I'll be watching for them. AND I want to comment on your lilacs and kitties. Ditto on the smell....I've been just loving going outside and getting a whiff of them. And we have two kitties very similar (all black Olive Boo and tiger Roxie) Yours are adorable!!!

  38. They are sooo cute and I like the idea of using them to hide the scrub pad, very good!!! =)

  39. Hey Gayle, I've never seen these pottery people before, they're very interesting. Lots of uses for them, I like the idea of stacks of pancakes keeping warm.
    Loved the wander through your garden in the previous post. So many beautiful shrubs and flowers. I just love Lilac, it's one of those plants from my childhood that I have loved all my life, along with Wisteria. Spring is full of promise and so much beauty.

    Persevere with the crochet, you did such a great job on the square, wrong or not. Lots of video tutorials on Youtube. Your embroidery is so beautiful once you get the hang of crocheting there will be no stopping you.

  40. Hello! I found you at Diane's site and had such a fun visit. And Euro Pottery looks like my kind of place.
    Happy Monday!

  41. Lovely but too far away from France.....

  42. I enjoyed reading this post! I love my cheese ladies (Kase Fraus) too! I wrote about a few of my favorite things (to include my Polish Pottery!!) here ~
    Thanks for visiting my blog and letting me know that you stopped by!

  43. Hello again! Thanks for coming back. I live in Michigan. It is still pretty cold up here.

    I have snooped around yoru blog and I have to say, I really like it! I thought you might like to know that I've started a Messy Monday link party and would love for you to join! Come check it out at

  44. They are so darling! That looks like a fun store to visit...I would be very tempted, and I know Polish pottery is fairly pricy.

  45. What wonderful character these cheese ladies have! I can so hear the one saying just what you thought, "Don't sass me young lady!" Your words made me chuckle!

  46. I've never seen the cheese ladies...they have such personalities! Hope you are persevering with your crochet...once you get the hang of it, it is quite relaxing :) (says me, who hasn't picked up a crochet hook in years!)
    Have a great day!

  47. I've never seen these before! They are so cute. I can see why you like them.

  48. This is a new one to me...I never have heard of them. I probably have seen one somewhere, but this is the first time I have read about them! Great post, and I love the expressions too. Have yourself a super day! Hugs to you.

  49. Hello:) Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love your little cheese ladies. I have never seen such cuties before. The cute and versatile:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  50. How very sweet are these? I didn't even know these cute little cheese ladies existed. Now, I want one!

    God bless ya and have a terrific Tuesday!!!


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies