
Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter weekend

Hope everyone had a very happy Easter!   I have only been away from the computer and "blogland" for a couple of days, and it looks like I have some serious catch up reading to do.

Our kids were home for the weekend.  I helped my son get signed up for a summer class  and my daughter and I went shopping for a bridal shower gift.  

We had a wonderful, big, extended family gathering on Easter.  I wanted to show you the picture of the cheesecake.  I decided to just slice and sugar strawberries to spoon on top, instead of making an actual glaze.   (see the recipe here.)  Everyone in the family contributed 3 or 4 dishes to the big dinner, so no one had to do too much. Our kids are all older, but we still hold an egg hunt.  They have a lot of fun!

I did not have much time to work on the embroidery squares, but can catch up in the next day or two.
Now I'm off to read as many blog posts as I can before I head to bed.


  1. Your cheesecake looks delicious! Glad you a wonderful time with family.

  2. I like sliced strawberries much better than the glazed ones. The cheesecake is plenty! It's too much with that syrupy stuff on top.

  3. The table is beautiful and the food looks yummy! Glad you had a nice Easter!

  4. That sounds like a perfect and family. The food looks delicious.

  5. It looks and sounds like you had a fabulous Easter! Everything on your table looks absolutely delicious! Even though some of our grandchildren are older we still have Easter egg hunts too. I think things like that make the holidays so much more special. Thank you for all of you kind comments on my blog. I have major catching up to do too. I hope you have a lovely day and a wonderful week ♥

  6. Yum!!! Everything looks wonderful.

  7. What recipe do you use for your cheesecake...mine always seem to crack and are not very pretty. That fruit looks so delicious, oranges taste really good to me rightnow so I am eating them any chance I get! thanks for the blog visit!

  8. That cheesecake looks fantastic! How nice to have your family to celebrate with.

  9. Everything looks so yummy! Glad you had a great Easter with family :)

  10. Thanks for the nice note you left about college kids's nice to have a momma that understands...Your Easter spread was FAB TAB U LOUS!!! I wish I would have been there! :) Enjoying that Kansas spring...I'm south of you I think....Osawatomie...loving this warm ...I never complain about the heat! HA! Keep up the good work on your squares...Excited to see the finished product!!

  11. Hello, my friend. Great viewing all of that yummy looking food. I am definitely going to have to try that cheesecake recipe. Mine never turn out that tall. All of that fruit looks so good, too!

    Glad you had a wonderful time with family and celebrating Easter! Hope this finds your niece doing okay.

    Have a wonderful remainder of the week!

  12. Looks so yummy! So glad you had a good time with your loved ones!

  13. Sounds like a wonderful weekend, and cheesecake with strawberries on top sounds delicious. We had perfect weather for the egg hunt. Yours sounds like fun. laurie

  14. I am glad you had a good Easter! The cake looks delicious! We had strawberries too..just sugared with the whipped cream on the side. I made plain cupcakes so they could make it the way they like, ice cream or whipped, or both! :)

  15. Wow...did you Easter food look delicious! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with family....the perfect Easter.

  16. It sounds like you had a very Happy Easter! Same here -- it was a gorgeous day.

    I made mini cheesecakes this year in three flavors --they were a big hit!

  17. nice, healthy treats! yum.

    hope you had a lovely day!


  18. It sounds like you had a wonderful Easter weekend...lots of visiting folks means lots of helping hands, good talk and laughter. Thanks for stopping by.

  19. Beautiful table...sounds like you had a lovely weekend! Isn't it amazing how much happens when we step away from the keyboard even for a day or two?


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies