
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

D Is For Darling, Daughter, Dresses, Daffodils, Daisies and Dancing

It's Alphabe-Thursday at Jenny Matlock's,  and  today's letter is D.  

Darling daughter hunting for easter eggs in the daffodils, wearing her Easter dress.
 (Family photos may not be borrowed or pinned.)

Daughter a few years older, in my garden of daisies.
 (Family photos may not be borrowed or pinned.)

Daughter in a whole field of daisies, a few years later.
 (Family photos may not be borrowed or pinned.)

Dancing daughter, delighting the crowd at the Irish Festival, in her fancy bright pink dress. (center)
 (this photo was taken by one of the other dance parents.)   

You can join the alphabet fun here.


  1. Oh she is beautiful. It's so poignant to see the passage of time in these photos.

    And I can't believe she can do that Irish dance. Did you teach her that? I've seen that done and it is amazing.

    What a D elightful post!

    A+ for you and a hug for your beautiful daughter!

  2. You have a lovely daughter! They grow up too quickly don't they? Mone is almost 30!

    I love Irish step dancing. My sister-in-law was born in Ireland ( Co. Cork) and I've visited Ireland many times with her.

  3. great pictures of your daughter, i love the one of her in the field of flowers, it is just spectacular!

  4. Wonderful post and a beautiful daughter!

  5. What a pretty daughter I love the Post!

  6. Fun way to celebrate your daughter, lucky you!

  7. You really do have a very darling daughter! What a cutie! And I would be delighted with the Irish dancing, too!


    Sheila :-)

  8. What a lovely pictures!!!

    Have a nice day & greetings, Carolien

  9. The years wash over me when I see a series of photos like this and then I think, how did I get so old?

    She's beautiful!! Great, great post for the letter D!

  10. Oh, what a beautiful girl! I love the irish costumes and the dancing, that looks so much fun! Cindy

  11. and that is just about how FAST they grow up...right before your eyes!!!!!
    She is a beauty...a gift from above.
    xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  12. A Darling Daughter and a Doting Mom, I think?
    Lovely photo's, she's delightful at every age.

  13. She is beautiful. It's amazing to look over and realize that the little bundle of joy you brought home is now a young woman. Mine is 21 and it seems like she grew up in a flash. Lovely photos, the shot of her in the field of daisies is just wonderful. Beautiful post! Kathy

  14. What a delightful post today! And what a charming daughter you have. It was amazing watching her grow up right before our eyes. I love the photo of her as a little girl with a few daisies...what beautiful eyes she has! How did she become interested in the Irish dancing? Is it part of your heritage?

  15. Wonderful pictures! So fun. And I am not a dancer but I noticed their feet are perfectly synchronized!

  16. I enjoyed seeing your daughter grow up over the years. I bet that dancing is fun to watch.

  17. Don't ya wish they could just stay little! Your daughter is lovely!

  18. How sweet! She is beautiful!

  19. What a beautiful daughter and such beautiful memories! Happy Valentines Day! blessings,Kathleen

  20. Love the different stages in your daughters life. Daisey's are my favorite flower.

  21. D-lightful post! Your daughter is beautiful! Thanks for sharing these charming photos.

  22. Thanks for stopping by. I've always assumed that all state Capitols have domes because hot air rises ..... Kathy

  23. Those are lovely photos and your daughter is just beautiful.

  24. Thanks for stopping by and sharing memories with me today! I LOVED the peppermint story! I laughed and laughed...certainly a birthday to remember!

    I also really liked the idea of the brownie making at Christmas time, using Christmas tree cookie cutter! It just so happens that I teach a small class of 4-5 year old kids in Sunday School. I'd love to do that with them this coming Christmas! One little girl in particular is enamored with icing if we were to throw in candy for the tree decorations she'd be overjoyed beyond words! :-)

    I think that is so neat that your daughter learned to do the Irish dancing with it being part of her heritage.

    Again...thanks for stopping by today. It brightened my day. My husband shoveled out 15 more inches of snow that had fallen since yesterday when he shoveled out the same paths. A week ago when this snow first started it was fun being snow bound...not finding the humor in it quite as quickly today. ;)

  25. Thanks for visiting my Shabby Cottage! Love all your D's. Warm hugs, Esther

  26. Darling Daughter IS a beauty! I've always been fascinated with Irish step dancing. Don't think my uncoordinated self could have ever handled it.. lol. Great D's.. thanks for sharing! -Tammy

  27. Great post, the photo of your daughter in the field of daisies is especially lovely. Happy Valentines Day from one mom to another.

  28. Oh my goodness! She started out as a cutie pie and turned out to be a lovely lady.

  29. Your daughter is darling!!! I love the photos! I am loving this alpha-b thursday!

  30. Your daughter is beautiful! I love how you showed the progression of years in this post. It happens pretty fast, doesn't it? One day, they're tiny, the next, they're in college!

  31. Oh, aren't little girls the sweetest! And as we can see, they grow up in the most delightful way! Lovely daughter!

  32. adorable pics of your daughter

    thanks for your visit

  33. Your daughter is lovely, what a sweet post :) How fun to celebrate your daughter for the letter D!

  34. what a fun idea...alphabet posts...the letter D has never looked so good!

    i'm your newest follower!

    come and see me too's nice to meet creative souls like you online...


  35. loved your pictures ! thank you.

    Have a lovely weekend

  36. they grow tooooo fast....she is beautiful and daughters are wonderful! melinda

  37. Hi and it's so nice to meet you! What a beautiful daughter you have. Wasn't she the cutest little thing playing in the daises!
    She is so lovely doing that dance. It looks hard to me. Look at that hair too!
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me and I hope you'll come back again sometime.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  38. LOVED IT! D is for Duffy in our home. :) What adorable photo's those were of your daughter. Of course my favorite was her twinkling toes doing the Irish dance. Yep. LOVED IT!

  39. Lovely photographs - they all tie in really well with your Ds!

  40. How sweet! She's beautiful! There is nothing more special than the momma/ daughter relationship (well & of course momma/son)~smile~ How amazing that she does Irish dancing. My mom & I pretend to do Irish step dancing when we are feeling blue. I say pretend because we obviously can't--so it just end's up looking hilarious and cracking us up. Lol!


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies