
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Little Blue House

Little Blue House.
Who lives here?

Doce Lar.  Home Sweet Home.
Come inside and see.

Blue Bear, Lord of the Manor, sitting in his comfortable arm chair.

Blue Mouse reads a story to her three children.

Blue Mouse goes into the kitchen to make tea.

Blue Bear puts on his sombrero.

Brown Bear, Orange Bear and White Bear play with their toys.

Brown Bear practices his trumpet.

Two Mouse friends keep cozy in the kitchen

Lots of other visitors come to call.

Peeking inside Little Blue House

Blue Bear and his family and friends pose for a group photo.

The Blue Bear family thanks you for coming to visit them at Little Blue House.

This little blue house was mine when I was a little girl. (in the 60's)   My parents bought the velvet Blue Bear and Brown Bear when I was 2 or 3 years old.  A few years later my Mom made Blue Mouse for me.  And as I learned to sew by hand, I made Orange Bear and White Bear myself.

My 3 sisters each had their own little Bear, Mice and Cat families and we would play for hours, wrapped up in a world of make believe.

To this day, when we sisters travel, some of the critters go with us.  Last summer I met up with one of my sisters at a doll convention.  Guess who came along?   Blue Bear and Red Rat.  (My sister's Red Rat got too close to a light bulb once and suffered burns to his knee, but he still manages to hobble along.)

They came with us:

to breakfast,

to the antique store, (this is the resident cat)

to the rare and used book store, (this is a cool old cash register)

and to the sweet shop.

What wonderful memories do you and your siblings have of playing together as children?

Vintage Thingies Thursday is hosted by The Colorado Lady.
And  Midweek Blues is hosted by The Dusty Cellar.


  1. Oh, I have sooo many great memories of childhood play--Barbies, playing house or school. Making the boys sit through our "concerts." I think I could go on and on but I won't.

    I did want to tell you that the only way I can get to your blog is if I click on your picture. Your thumbnail on my sidebar won't work
    right now. Should I take yu off and put you back on??


  2. Yes, Open my GardenOfDaisies blog, take me off your follow list. And then add me back in. It takes less than 30 seconds and it should all be fixed.
    That will allow you to follow me at the new blog address. The old one will not work anymore.

  3. Darling, I came by to re-join your blog, however, I see that you were able to recover your followers...I am glad. I know what you mean about learning through errors and trials, believe me I had and sometimes still do experience my share. In the future, if I can be of help, let me know, may be together we can figure out this thing called the "Computer & the Web"

    Love & Hugs

  4. What fun! I thought this would make a great children's book. Welcome & Thanks for posting Midweek Blues. I look forward to visiting your blog again.

  5. But of course I want to follow you..but ..I am having a huge problem keeping up. I see I am still in your little followers box..and that pleases me! :)
    Loved your story..and I also think it is great that kept your childhood toys! Mine have a history behind them. All were left behind when we moved from Ore. to CA. and I have been trying to replace them ever since. :) The child in me never got the chanace to "outgrow" childish things. Yours are wonderful.

  6. How wonderful you and your sister still have some of your childhood play pals to bring along. Cute house. My brother and I still have our original view finder with the little disks for the show and my favorite was the three little pigs. It sure is fun to share memories with siblings.

  7. Ah this made me smile and smile! My two sisters and I fell in love with an Enid Blyton series about the 'Fifth Formers' - a group of girls in a 1930's boarding school. One was named Alma Pudding and we made up two other characters to go with her and we played at being these characters for hours on end. It was all silliness and lots of fun, and to this day the three of us (all in our fifties!) will call one another by these names and collapse into giggles.

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog ~ cute little blue house!

  9. OMG!!!!
    This is the cutest post ever! You really told quite a story...I love how they spent the day around town with you! What fun!

  10. It's me again--I put you back on my sidebar and I can access your blog now!


  11. Hi Gayle how wonderful that you still have such special toys from your childhood. You must've been thrilled when you received the little blue house and it's inhabitants.I don't have many toys from my childhood, but I do have some lovely old books, that I just love, for their old style of pictures, the smell of the paper (weird I know!)and the time in my life when I recieved them. I love that you and your sisters travel with some of your childhood friends. There is still a small child inside each and every adult.

  12. Delightful house & wonderful bears! Thank you for visiting my blog. Lizzie

  13. What a wonderful dolls house, i have mine from when i was about 4, its in a very 70's style :)

  14. What a great house - how lovely! I was a book worm so had a great collection of books. I remember having a great doll's pram - not too sure where that got to!

  15. What a wonderful story! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog - I love meeting new friends.

  16. Awww....I love your post. I was a tomboy with one exception. Dolls and doll houses. I never had one so I improvised with shoeboxes and wallpaper. Still very vivid, fond memories. Thanks for the reminder.

  17. Oh my....what precious memories from childhood. Loved that little bear, it is just so sweet. Happy VTT!

  18. Great post - a nice walk down memory lane playing with dolls in a dollhouse. I remember saw horse horses and sawdust in water to feed them. Playing dollhouse. The memory really has to have a nudge anymore it seems.

  19. WHAT A FUN POST! That brings back some memories! THANKS TOO for stopping by to visit my blog and leaving such sweet comments! I really enjoy having you visit! Sorry to hear about your computer problems - that's so frustrating!

    I'll be back OFTEN.

  20. I love your doll house! It is so cute and I love all the details. Hope you enjoy your weekend! Twyla

  21. How great that you still have so many of your childhood toys.

    Also, the little trip you took us on was fun. I'm assuming this is the town where you live.

    Blessings to you,


  22. Oh that Blue House is priceless, I love your story, what fond memories. I played hours with my younger sister ist paper dolls and then we evolved to Barbies. We had a deluxe dream Kitchen and we would set-up Barbie houses and play for hours. Sometimes if we were able to keep the houses set up through to the next day. We had a wonderful childhood! Hugs, Diane
    PS I will be a New follower!

  23. Love your dollhouse and adorable cuddly dolls & toys :) This was a sweet post. Thank you for sharing your special memories. I love how you and your sisters stay in touch with your childhood good times by taking these precious toys along in some of your travels.

    One special memory for me is my little sister and I had these little plastic animal figurines - one was called Pogo I think. We would play with those figurines in the Christmas tree and nativity scene every year until we just got 'too old' for that. Fun times. It was kinda strange now that I think back on it now.. but fun! -Tammy

  24. Oh what a dear, sweet, funny post. Thank you so much for sharing. It's all just adorable.

  25. Lovely, lovely post. what a gorgeous dolls house! Doce Lar - portuguese... do you understand/ speak? Lovely antique store too!!
    Gena @ Thinking Aloud
    a photoblog
    South Africa

  26. What a treasure this dollhouse is! I'm so glad you visited my blog and now I've found yours! (I noticed you followed my blog - but you followed the awards blog and not the main blog - you won't get any blog updates. Just go back to the main blog and click on the followers gadget.) I'm going to add yours to my list!

  27. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! I love your dollhouse!!! I have a victorian farmhouse in the basement that I built a couple of winters ago, and this has inspired me to get busy on it again. What wonderful memories.

  28. What alovely blog!
    Cute doll house!x

  29. love the cute doll house and hearing of all the wonderful memories, you sure have some beautiful dishes as well, thanks for stopping by my blog, love visitors, I am now a follower of yours so i will be back to visit..

  30. You're so lucky to still have your childhood dollhouse - I wish I knew what happened to mine! -amy

  31. Hi,

    Enjoying your blog, and esp. enjoy your doll house ! I loved mine too. Thanks so much for sharing ! Beth in ND

  32. Oh, what a precious house and cute characters! Even more special because you and your mother made some of them! WOW! Great photo of your sis and your fun day. My sister and I shared a lot of things and we don't have much left from our childhoods. We have a pajama bag that we share...she has it right now! lol My grandmother made it! ♥

  33. This reminds me of the childrens book "The Gingerbread Mouse". Great memories. Thanks for this post!

  34. Oh how wonderful, I love your blue house, thanks for the sweet tour. I love that you still have all the haoppy inhabitants!

    Covent Garden Flower Market moved to a much bigger site outside the centre of London called 9 Elms, near Vauxhall. Much more sensible as there is acres of space but none of the charm!

    Sarah x

  35. Hey Gayle, couldn't find an email address for you, so I will "chat" here.
    I thought bunting would be quite an American thing, but maybe it's used more for special occasions and celebrations in the US. Perhaps some other US bloggers might be able to answer your question.
    I just love it and it's so cheerful when hung up and who needs an excuse to do something that makes your feel happy?
    Claire X

  36. I love,love,love your dollhouse and bears. I still have my first dollhouse. I loved it so much that I still collect dollhouses. Thanks for commenting on my mosaic.

    Carey from Chicory Nits blog

  37. I do love your bear/mouse families and their blue home...really neat. Love your travel pix with the blue bear, too - giggle.

  38. what a beautiful dollhouse...I love that you still have it!!!!

  39. Oh what a lovely story this is. The doll house is so nice and the bears etc. too! How great you made a few of them yourself at that early age! Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed this!!!

    Bye, Carolien

  40. I absolutely LOVE this post! Blue Bear and his buddies are so kind to give us a home tour. Thanks for sharing your memories.

  41. This is all too nostalgic for me! I love the Little Blue House and all the occupants. My sister and I had dollshouses made by my father with a similar assortment of furniture and 'people' inside. I have a teddy bear made by me aged 9 and a miniature, felt mouse family that I made when I was 12. Thank you for sharing this and awakening my memories. Gill x


THANK YOU for your thoughtful comments. Replies to your questions will be posted here, so be sure to check back soon. Have a wonderful day! - Gayle, Garden Of Daisies